



以悲心作拱橋,以智慧祛傷痛 Healing the Pain of Disaster with Compassion and Wisdom ■文 / Dharma Master Cheng Yen


男丁格爾 Male Nightingale ■文 / 林碧玉 / Pi-Yu Lin


救災是救自己心靈的災 Relieved the Sufferings, Relieved My Heart ■文 / 石明煌 / Ming-hwang Shyr


第八個畢業典禮 The 8th Graduation Ceremony ■文 / 賴惠玲 / Hui-Ling Lai

【白袍 vs. 白衣】

千百億慈悲化身 Nurses, Embodiment of Compassion and Mercy ■文 / 李原傑 / Yuan-Chieh Lee


終生學習 執業永續 —談護理職業執照更新制度 WModern Disease Control of New & Rebound Virus Infection from Ebola Virus Infection Event in Uganda ■文 / 林雅萍、曾慶方 / Ya-Ping Lin, Ching-Fang Tseng


為巨變療傷 ─災難護理實相 Nursing Experiences in Disaster Relief -- the Truth of Disaster Nursing ■文 / 涂炳旭 / Ping-Hsu Tu

聞聲救苦誰先行 —災難護理經驗談 Go First to Take Care of Poors and Pains -- the Experience of Disaster Nursing ■文 / 涂炳旭、花蓮慈濟醫院急診護理團隊 / Ping-Hsu Tu, The Emergency Team of Hualien Tzuchi General Hospital

救災是護理天職 Act of Mercy is the Vocation of Nurse ■文 / 陳妙文 / Miao-Wen Chen

揮別悲傷的翅膀 Farewell to the Wings of Sadness ■文 / 江國誠 / Gwo-Cheng Chiang

萬隻紙鶴.祈福四川 Ten Thousands Origami Cranes Bless Szechwan ■文 / 葉佳翰、楊育淇、張佑蓉 / Jia-Han Yeh, Yu-Chi Yang, You-Rong Chang


身心康健小甜甜 —花蓮慈院精神科病房護理長張幸齡 Candy Girl of Psychiatry Ward -- Hsin-Lin Chang, Head Nurse of Psychiatry Ward, Hualien Tzu Chi General Hospital ■文 / 蘇雅慧 / Ya-Hui Su


感謝有你 有你真好 Thank You, It's So Nice to Be with You! -- the Celebration Courses of Nurse's Day in Tzuchi General Hospital ■文 / 游繡華、姜讚裕、黃小娟、江珮如、 林詩婕、吳宛霖 / Hana-You, Chan-Yu Chiang, Hsiao- Chuan Hunag, Pei-Ju Chiang, Shih-Chieh Lin, Wan-Lin Wu


臨終護理 尊重生命 Nursing on Terminally Ill and Show Respect to Life ■文 / 蕭湘亮 / Hsiang-Liang Hsiao

在生命陷落處看見愛 —為慮平師姊圓滿大願 Finding Love When Cave in the Dark Canyon -- Complete the Grand Wish for Sister Lui-Ping ■文 / 曾慶方 / Ching-Fang Tseng


當護士變成病人 —談護理人員的無奈與能耐 When a Nurse Becomes a Patient -- about Tolerance and Persistence of Nursing Staff ■編輯 / 葉秀真 / Edited by Hsiu-Chen Yeh

當我是病人 In the Patients' Shoes ■文 / 林芷筱 / Zhi-Xiao Lin

意外的假期或折磨 Unexpected Vacation or Torture ? ■文 / 沈芳吉 / Fang-Chu Shen


雷雨交加下鄉記 —IDS山地鄉巡迴醫療 Touring Medical Clinic in Thunderstorm ■文 / 沈秀娟 / Hsiu-Chan Shen


旺來 Pineapple! Good luck ? ■文 / 李彥範 / Yen-Fan Lee


焦慮的概念分析 A Concept Analysis of Anxiety ■ 文 / 徐莞雲.陳筱瑀 / Wan-Yun Hsu, Hsiao-Yu Chen

影響婦女夜尿次數的因素 Nocturnal Voids and Associated Factors in Women ■ 文 / 陳鳳櫻.戴玉慈.陳淑齡.余宏政 /Fong-Ying Chen, Yu-Tzu Dai, Shun-Ling Chen, Hong-Jeng Yu

急性心肌梗塞後病患第一個月內身體活動量與其相關因素 Physical Activity Levels in the Month Following Acute Myocardial Infarction and the Associated Factors
■文 / 董育秀 / Yu-Hsiu Tung

提升加護中心護理人員N2能力進階完成率 Increasing the N2 Clinical Ladder System Accomplishment Rate Among Intensive Care Unit Nursing Staff ■文 / 陳真慧.陳雅紅.倪碧雲.陶惠如 / Chen-Hui Chen,Ya-Hung Chen, Pi-Yum Ni, Huie-Ju Tao

一位腦梗塞病患住院中二次中風後的護理過程 Nursing Procedure for a Cerebral Infarction Patient Who Had a Further Stroke During Hospitalization ■文 / 蔡容容.林靜薇.林春梅 / Jung-Jung Tsai, Ching-Wei Lin, Chun-Mei Lin

一位椎間盤突出患者之手術全期護理經驗 Perioperative Nursing Experience while Taking Care of a Herniated Interverebral Disc Patient ■文 / 歐陽秀旻.劉美娟.謝育芳 / Shiu-Min Ou Yang, Mei-Chuan Liu, Yu-Fang Hsieh

一位中年女性胰臟癌患者面對死亡威脅的護理經驗 Nursing Experience when Treating a Middle Aged Woman Suffering from Pancreatic Cancer and Facing the Threat of Death ■文 / 康金玟 / Chin-Wen Kang



