




福鼎山村的醫療關懷 The Warm Medical Care in Fuding Across the Straits ■ / Dharma Master Cheng Yen


原鄉健康天使的搖籃 As the Cradle to Nurture Aboriginal Health Guardians ■文 / 羅文瑞 Wen-Jui Lo


越來越像原住民 Be Like the Aboriginals More and More ■文 / 賴惠玲 Hui-Ling Lai

【白袍 vs. 白衣】

充滿愛的好護理師 Good Nurses Shine with Love ■文 / 朱家祥 Dr. Chia-Hsiang Chu


實現部落擲銅板的夢想 探討部落健康照護的困境與使命 To Help the Tribes’ Dream Come True – to Explore the Dilemma and Action to Take Care of the Tribes’ Health ■文 / 羅淑芬 Shu-Fen Lo


培育原鄉天使 談原住民護理教育與職場參與 To Cultivate the Indigenous Health Guardians–A Research on the Aboriginals Nursing Education and Clinical Practice ■文 / 張美娟 Mei-Chuan Chang

友愛原民好夥伴 The Aboriginal Nurses Are Good Fellow Workers ■文 / 李依蓉 Yi-Rong Lee

夥伴樂豐年 Celebrate Harvest Festivals with the Aboriginal Nurses ■文 / 尤麗瑜 Li-Yu Yu


父母的驕傲 察芳瑜 花蓮慈濟醫院第一內科加護病房護理師 Honor Her Indigenous Parents - Fang-Yu Cha, Medical Intensive Care Unit Registered Nurse, Hualien Tzu Chi General Hospital ■文 / 莊瑞菱 Jui-Ling Chuang


花東護理教育榮耀 慈濟技術學院田培英講師獲師鐸獎 Best Teacher Award by Ministry of Education - Congratulations on Pei-Yin Tien, Lecturer of Nursing Dept., Tzu Chi College of Technology ■文 / 葉秀品、廖婉如 Hsiu-Pin Yeh, Wan-Ru Liao


原民考照樂 To Assist the Aboriginal Nursing Students to Get the Licenses ■編輯 / 張美娟 Edited by Mei-Chuan Chang

破繭而出的甘美 護理師輔導班 The Tutoring Class for the Indigenous Nursing Students at Tzu Chi College of Technology ■文 / 田培英 Pei-Yin Tien

拚上合格護理師 To Fight for the National Qualification Test ■文 / 林樹婷 Shu-Ting Lin

全方位輔導圈 原民生輔導及文化教育 Full-Dimensional Assisting Circle – The Guidance and Multi- Cultural Education for the Aboriginal Students ■文 / 李春蓓 Chun-Pei Lee


護族人康健 Take Care of the Tribes ■文 / 盧秀英 Hsiu-Ying Lu


培育部落的榮耀 Devote in the Education of the Young Generation from the Tribes ■文 / 高夏子 Hsia-Tzu Kao

珍惜身邊的長輩 To Cherish the Elderly by Your Side ■口述 / 孫美琪 Mei-Chi Hsun

護生體驗,深耕部落 The Voluntary Services of Student Nurses in the Tribes in Taitung ■文 / 陳慧芳 Hui-Fang Chen


愛的迴旋曲 Dream-Fulfilling Escorts ■文 / 張偲岑 Si-Cen Zhang


每天護理,每日學習 Learning Everyday, Nursing Everyday ■文 / 張秀娟 Julia Cheung


社區新移民婦女自覺健康狀況與健康資訊需求調查 文/王琪珍、王靜枝、楊雅萍 A Study on Self-Perceived Health Status and Health Information Need of Female Immigrants in Local Communities / Chi-Jane Wang, Jing-Jy Wang, Ya-Ping Yang

運用跨團隊合作提升病人外科手術預防性抗生素及時投藥之專案 文/陳淑華、吳秀玲、施勝乾、黃珊、王慧卿 The Improvement of Perioperative Prophylactic Antibiotics Administration: An Implementation of Cross-Disciplinary Teamwork Project / Shu-Hwa Chen, Hsiu-Line Wu, Sheng-Chien Shih,  Shan Huang, Hui-Chin Wang

照護一位接受放射線治療導致皮膚及黏膜損傷個案之護理經驗 文/徐小惠、吳佳芬 A Nursing Experience of a Patient with Radiation- Induced Skin and Mucosal Reactions from Ongoing Radiation Therapy / Hsiao-Hui Hsu, Chia-Fen Wu

照顧一位青少女肝臟移植術後病人的護理經驗 文/江懿真、紀孟鳳 A Nursing Experience of an Adolescent After Liver Transplantation / Yi-Chen Chiang, Menc-Fenc Chi

一位腦中風患者及其主要照顧者之照護經驗 文/邱善筠、徐少慧 A Nursing Experience of a Stroke Patient and the Primary Caregiver / Shan-Yun Chiu, Shao-Hui Shu

一位罹患斑色魚鱗癬之早產兒的照護經驗 文/陳姿蓉、范惠珍、劉春卿 The Experience of Caring a Premature Baby Who Has Congenital Harlequin Ichthyosis / Tzu-Jung Chen, Hui-Chen Fan, Chuen-Ching Liu 


