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行善祈福天下安 Do Good Deeds and Pray for World Peace  網頁瀏覽


有您們真好 文/林欣榮 Appreciate the Dedication of Nursing Team  網頁瀏覽


快樂健康的遊戲場域 文/章淑娟 Enjoy Work and Live Happily  網頁瀏覽


白衣拍檔 最佳夥伴 文/高聖博 Nurses and Physicians, Best Partners  網頁瀏覽


一句話的重量 談護理師面對道德困擾的情緒問題 文/鍾惠君 The Weight of One Word - How Would Nurses Handle Emotion Obstacles While Facing Ethical Conflicts  網頁瀏覽


紮實求證 談實證照護研究與臨床應用可近性 文/王淑貞 Evidence-Based Nursing in Tzu Chi Hospitals

驗證常規 臨床更實用 文/林孟樺 Using EBM to Persuade Patients to Quit Smoking

開啟實證之門 文/戴佳惠 Enter the World of Evidence-Based Nursing

品嘗滋味的快樂 文/孔繁郡、余佳倫、王琬詳 Develop Evidence-Based Guideline and Assist Patients for NG Tube Removal

下水道不再疼痛 文/李彥錚、王琬詳 Using EBM to Decrease Catheter-Related Bladder Discomfort

傾聽疼痛的聲音 文/吳之云


護幼援非 陳芊羽 花蓮慈院小兒加護病房護理師 文/黃昌彬 Love for Premature Babies and Nursing Education Support in Burkina Faso - Chien-Yu Chen, RN, PICU, Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital  網頁瀏覽


沒有說出口的話 文/許孟庭 Freshman’s Words in Silence  網頁瀏覽

接上天線 文/劉玉玲 Connect the Antenna for Junior Nurses  網頁瀏覽


敘事護理在玉里 文/黃小燕 Narrative Nursing Contest in Yuli Tzu Chi Hospital  網頁瀏覽

慈濟六院人形圖說故事 文/張菊芬 Figure Map Story-Telling Competition for Six Tzu Chi Hospitals Nurses  網頁瀏覽


飛向浩瀚護理宇宙 文/高立晟 Like Buzz Lightyear, Fly Into the Universe of Nursing  網頁瀏覽


鳳林社區樂智好夥伴 文/曾玉玲 Volunteer Partners for Dementia Elderly Community Outreach  網頁瀏覽


善意溝通四大要素 觀察、感受、需要、請求(下) 文/吳瓊芬 The 4-Part Non-Violent Communication Process - Observations, Feelings, Needs, and Requests Part 2


提升護理人員執行早產兒抽痰照護正確率專案 文/許惠昭、曾慈敏、陳宜綸、黃小萍 A Project to Improve Success Rate of Nurses in Preterm Infants Sputum Suctioning

照顧一位再復發多發性硬化症個案因應壓力之護理經驗 文/邱詩涵、黃麗靜、袁雅怡 A Nursing Experience of Patient with Multiple Sclerosis Relapsed Coping with Stress

照顧一位男同志初診斷梅毒感染所面臨身心衝擊之護理經驗 文/張淨淇、施勝烽 A Nursing Experience of a Gay Man Newly Diagnosed with Secondary Syphilis Facing Physical and Psychological Impact

一位學齡前期兒童燙傷之護理經驗 文/張堯婷、葉明珍、張峰玉 A Nursing Experience of a Preschool Child with Burn Injury

照護一位中年罹患舌癌術後於加護病房護理經驗 文/李雅婷、胡真珍 A Post-Operative ICU Nursing Experience of a Middle-Aged Tongue Cancer Patient

運用死產之關懷照護於一位高齡初孕婦剖腹產之護理經驗 文/李淑惠、陳馥萱 Providing Nursing Care to an Elderly Primipara Experiencing Stillborn Birth After Caesarean Section


