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愛的種子萌芽 Seeds of Love Sprout, Survivors Become Helpers  網頁瀏覽


打通護理使用社群媒體的任督二脈 文/王本榮 Open Up the Governor and Conception Vessels of Nursing Professionals and Students to Wisely Use Social Media  網頁瀏覽


躍動護理,開展未來 文/章淑娟 Nursing Now, into the Future  網頁瀏覽

【白袍 vs. 白衣】

我眼中的急診護理師 文/賴佩芳 My Partners, the ER Nurses  網頁瀏覽


不捨與遺憾,談暴力事件防範 文/陸秀芳 Learn from Latest Incidents to Better Violence Protection for Health Care Professionals  網頁瀏覽


社群智慧通 談社群媒體使用安全與訓練需求 文/林玉娟 Enhancing Using Social Media’s Capabilities: On the Needs of Social Media Security & Related Training Programs

鏡頭之下 從社群媒體談護理倫理 文/馬玉琴、林玉娟 Under the Lens – On Social Media and Nursing Ethics

社群媒體活絡下的護理專業角色定位 文/謝美玲 While in the World of Social Media, Remember Us as Nursing Professionals


加冠傳光 臨床展自信 Nursing Students Capping Ceremonies for Tzu Chi University & Tzu Chi University of Technology and Science, Year 2018  網頁瀏覽


守護在生命轉折處 林昀芊 花蓮慈院內科加護病房護理師 文/洪靜茹 Guard at the Life-Turning Point – Yun-Chian Lin, RN, Medical ICU, Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital  網頁瀏覽


離家一千五百哩的護理求學路 文/張家莉、趙正春 Studying Nursing at Tzu Chi University, 1,500 Miles away from Home Chiang Mai, Thailand  網頁瀏覽

輔導出遠門來旅行的孩子 文/張綠怡 As a Class Advisor, Always Be There for Oversea Students  網頁瀏覽


泰愛護理 泰籍護生真情告白 文/柯育天 The Narration of a Tai Male Nursing Student in Hualien, Taiwan  網頁瀏覽


不缺席的愛 文/吳美玲 Tzu Chi Volunteer Parents Caring for Nursing Students, Their Love Never Ends  網頁瀏覽


讓阿嬤開心些 文/黃恬 Cheer Up the Hospitalized Grandma  網頁瀏覽

優良與資深護理人員表揚 Honor and Awards  網頁瀏覽


全力以赴 護理路上再相見 福建中醫藥大學護理交流生專業學習之旅 文/李海榕 The Exchange Study Experience from a Student Nurse at Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine  網頁瀏覽

跨越海峽護理逐夢 文/謝美玲 Go for Your Nursing Dream After this Cross Strait Study  網頁瀏覽


挑戰自己吧! 文/彭淑敏 Challenge Ourselves!  網頁瀏覽

愛在精神科 文/羅已佳 My Favorite Psychiatry Ward  網頁瀏覽


代表作 文/李彥範 The Representative Work: the Senior Class Behind the Capping Ceremony  網頁瀏覽


提昇手術室移動式C-Arm X光機輻射防護完整性之改善專案 文/詹菁馨、蔡佳玲、王琦、饒慧娟、賀倫惠、戴秋玉 A Project to Improve the Integrity of Radiation Protection Measures of Portable X-ray Fluoroscopy in the Operating Room

於急診照護一位患柏格爾氏病合併動脈潰瘍及慢性疼痛個案的護理經驗 文/汪依霖、江錦玲 A Nursing Experience of an Emergency Department Patient with Buerger’s Disease and Arterial Ulcer Suffering from Chronic Pain

一位燒傷患者急性疼痛之照顧經驗 文/林雅娟、張峰玉 A Nursing Experience of a Burn Patient With Acute Pain

一位學齡前期兒童燙傷清創手術後之恢復室照護經驗 文/邱琪偵、方雅晶 A Post-Anesthesia Nursing Experience of a Preschooler Suffering from Burn Undergoing Debridement

照顧一位罹癌醫療人員利用肺部復健脫離呼吸器的護理經驗 文/謝佩欣、鄭蓓雯、周安妮 A Nursing Experience of a Weaning Ventilator-dependent Medical Staff Diagnosed with Cancer Through Pulmonary Rehabilitation

照顧一位以俯臥通氣治療急性呼吸窘迫症候群病人之護理經驗 文/黃亭瑛、賴芊孝 A Nursing Experience of a Patient with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Treated with Prone Ventilation
