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深刻感受,永恆記憶 Profound Reflection, Eternal Memory  網頁瀏覽


臨床教育的創新與傳承 文/羅文瑞 Innovation and Legacy of Clinical Nursing Education  網頁瀏覽


追求生活與工作的美好 文/章淑娟 Pursue the Beauty of Living and Working  網頁瀏覽


醫護一體 文/楊成湛 Medicine and Nursing as One  網頁瀏覽


生命價值觀與生死權 談安樂死新聞事件到病人自主權利法 文/陳慧秦 The Values and Rights of life and death. From the Euthanasia News Events to the Patient Autonomy Act  網頁瀏覽


醫場域 樂教學 實習指導老師的臨床參與及認同 文/張美娟 Enjoy Teaching in Class and in Hospital. Participation and Recognition of Intern Class Teachers in the Clinical Workplace

你很棒,加油! 文/李珍妮 You Are Good! Go for It!

帶實習也伴臨床 文/潘昭貴 Train Intern Student Nurses and Assist Clinical Nurses


怡悅誠心締善緣 陳怡君 花蓮慈院血液腫瘤科病房護理師 文/黃昌彬 Caring Every Patient as Serendipity – Yi-Chun Chen, RN, Hematology & Oncology Ward, Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital  網頁瀏覽


從零開始的決心 文/車炫優 Pursuit of Taiwan Nursing Dream, A Korean Student Starting from Zero  網頁瀏覽

為你感到驕傲 文/紀麗梅 We Are So Proud of You  網頁瀏覽

學習無國界 文/許莉玲 Nursing Education without Boundary  網頁瀏覽


護理助人,幸福泉源 文/葉佳翰 Saving-Life Nursing Career As Source of Happiness  網頁瀏覽


千迴百轉 口述/許琦珍 Recall My Route of Nursing After Sep. 21 Earthquake in Taiwan  網頁瀏覽

路多遠,都不會改變 文/楊婷伃 No Matter How Far, My Life Path Would Never Change  網頁瀏覽


擦乾眼淚再出發 文/李芷菱 Dry My Tears and Restart  網頁瀏覽

被拒絕的那一次 文/王可玫 That Time I Was Rejected  網頁瀏覽


初嘗專業俐落的滋味 文/徐家榆 First Feeling of Swift and Professional  網頁瀏覽

多一點肯定和自信 文/周慧珊 Be More Firm and Confident  網頁瀏覽


提升某外科病房病人導尿管照護正確率 文/陳曉芬、張秋媛、姜美夙、林姿秀、黃淑娟、郭美玲 A Project to Improve the Accuracy of Foley Catheter Care for Surgical Ward

放射線治療病人皮膚自我照護之改善專案 文/曾雅雪、許美玉、林雅萍、徐小惠、楊佩雯、王淑貞、鍾惠君 A Project to Improve Skin Self-Care for Patients Receiving Radiation Therapy

提升新生兒加護病房護理人員冷卻帽照護作業流程之完整性 文/陳淑芬、魏秀芳、謝秀芬、范惠珍、劉春卿 A Project to Improve the Integrity of Cold Cap Therapy in Nursing Staff of Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

提升恢復室護理人員執行護理記錄書寫完整性之改善專案 文/彭沛語、鄭秋子、李映春、石惠美、李夢英、吳寶媛 A Project to Improve the Completeness of Nursing Record in Post-Anesthesia Care Unit

照顧一位二尖瓣術後併心衰竭越南籍住民之加護經驗 文/羅靜宜、康芳瑜 A Nursing Experience of a Vietnamese Patient with Heart Failure After Mitral Valve Surgery

一位青壯年直腸癌併急性腸阻塞病人之護理經驗 文/陳遴鞠、胡馨方、李文馨、陳繪竹 A Nursing Experience of a Young Adult Patient with Rectal Cancer Complicated by Acute Intestinal Obstruction
