




白衣大士菩薩心 Nurses with the Heart of the Buddha / Dharma Master Cheng Yen


全人照護,人文亮點 文/趙有誠 The Whole-Person Care Sparkling Nursing Humanity / You-Chen Chao


五分之一甲子 文/賴惠玲 The 12th Anniversary of Tzu Chi Nursing Journal / Hui-Ling Lai

【白袍 vs. 白衣】

相互提點成標竿 文/謝政興 To Remind Each Other for Top Quality Care / Cheng-Hsing Hsieh


談尊重病患隱私的責任與義務 文/王螢寬 About the Responsibility and Obligation to Protect Patient Privacy / Ying-Kuan Wang


助行器多功能活動桌 文/陳曉玫 A Walker-Transformed Functional Desk / Hsiao-Mei Chen


無縫交接 推動交班模式改變

活用TRM 團隊好溝通 文/張恒嘉

照護不漏接 文/吳惠慎

溝通密接軌 文/高月文


堅持 梁挋 臺北慈濟醫院護理部副主任 文/高玉美 Perseverance – A Profile of Jane Liang, Vice Director of Nursing Dept., Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital / Yu-Mei Kao


續緣 編輯/楊心彤 Following the Karmic Cause / Edited by Hsin-Tong Yang

隨緣找回安全感 文/高斐玲 Coming Back for Feeling Safe Here / Fei-Lin Kao

回到溫暖的護理世界 文/陳淑娟 Return to the Warm Corner of Nursing / Shu-Chuan Chen

一分傳承的心 文/許淑娟 To Pass on My Profession to the Young Generation / Shu-Chuan Hsu


巴掌大的奇蹟 文/廖美雁 A Palm-Size Miracle / Mei-Yan Liao

道別 文/張碩真 Saying Goodbye / Shuo-Chen Chang


安定的依靠 文/康芳瑜 Volunteers for Us to Rely On / Fang-Yu Kang


輔導的成就 文/曾珮瑜 The Achievement of Tutoring Freshman / Pei-Yu Tseng

我的幸福選擇 文/陳美娟 My Blessed Choice / Mei-Juan Chen


今天,我在18房 文/朱韻友 Today, I Am in OR Room 18 / Yun-You Zhu


真的當老師 文/李彥範 As a Coach in Practice / Yen-Fan Lee


臺灣類風濕性關節炎患者憂鬱症發生率之流行病學研究 文/林妙秋、呂明錡、蔡宗益 An Epidemiological Study on the Incidence of Depression in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis in Taiwan /Miao-Chiu Lin, Ming-Chi Lu, Tzung-Yi Tsai

提升冠狀動脈疾病病人對使用舌下硝酸含錠之正確率 文/林 芷 、王淑演、黃佳惠、吳家榛 Elevating the Accuracy of Administering Sublingual Nitroglycerin to Patients with Coronary Artery Disease / Wen-Chih Lin, Shu-Yen Wang, Chia-Hui Huang, Chia-Chen Wu

提升護理人員執行腦中風病人吞嚥訓練完整性 文/童蔘美、魏綸緯、林月娥、何咏涵 A Project for Improving the Completeness of the Swallow Training for Stroke Patients Among Nurses / Shen-Mei Tung, Lun-Wei Wei, Yueh-E Lin, Yung-Han Ho 

運用羅氏適應模式照顧一位心臟移植術後無力感病人的護理經驗 文/林思吟、蔡碧雀 A Nursing Experience of a Post-Heart Transplant Patient with Helplessness by Applying Roy’s Adaptation Model / Szu-Yzn Lin, Pi-Chueh Tsai

運用持續性幫浦餵食一位腹壁裂合併低出生體重兒之護理經驗 文/許惠昭、黃小萍、許惠玲、陳宜綸 A Nursing Experience of Persistent Feeding of a Neonate Suffering from Gastroschisis Complicated with Low Birth Weight / Hui-Chao Hsu, Hsiao-Ping Huang, Hui-Ling Hsu, I-Lun Chen

照顧一位初次診斷食道癌第三期個案之護理經驗 文/邱子瑄、葉惠玲、黃君后 A Nursing Experience of a Patient with Stage III Esophageal Cancer / Tzu-Hsuan Chiu, Hui-Ling Yeh, Chun-Hou Huang 

