



術德兼備的醫學人文 A Medical Education that Imparts Knowledge and Ethics ■文 / Dharma Master Cheng Yen


海嘯 Tsunamis ■文 / 林碧玉 / Pi-Yu Lin


盡力心境轉 Do Your Best Without Regrets ■文 / 石明煌 / Ming-hwang Shyr


最後的終點站 The Last Final Stop ■文 / 賴惠玲 / Hui-Ling Lai

【白袍 vs. 白衣】

心蓮.蓮心.心連心 Heart to Heart in Lotus ■文 / 王英偉 / Ying-Wei Wang

白衣剪影映眸中 The White Refl ections in My Eyes ■文 / 程慧娟 / Hui-Chuan Cheng


後金融風暴時代之護理前景 The Brighter Future of Nursing in Depression Era ■文 / 林雅萍、曾慶方 / Ya-Ping Lin, Ching-Fang Tseng


心蓮伴行 慈濟護理人的安寧療護觀點 Caring as if Lotus in Hearts -- about the Viewpoints of Tzu Chi Nurses Towards Palliative Care ■文 / 王淑貞 / Shu-Chen Wang

誰適合安寧伴行 Who Qualifi es for Palliative Care Nursing? ■文 / 趙可式 / Co-Shi Chantal Chao

問卷調查 ■文 / 王淑貞 / Shu-Chen Wang

傾聽人間音 — 宗教師在心蓮病房 Listening to the Sounds in Normal Beings -- a Buddhism Priest in Heart Lotus Care Ward ■文 / 釋純寬 / Zun-Kn Shi

護理膚慰與療癒 Healing Presence of Nurse in End-of-life Care ■文 / 石世明 / Shih-Ming Shih

七年誌心蓮 7 Years in Heart Lotus Ward ■文 / 陳純純 / Chun-Chun Chen


溫柔師太 —花蓮慈濟醫院安寧居家護理師胡薰丹 Kind-hearted Lady Knight - Profile of Ms. Hsun-Tan Hu, Palliative Home Care Nurse, Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital ■文 / 蘇雅慧 / Ya-Hui Su


等待羽化成蝶 Waiting to transform into a Butterfly ■編輯 / 胡薰丹 / Hsun-Tan Hu

幸福收音機 The Lucky Radio ■文 / 湯淑華 / Shu-hua Tang


有你 有家 Home is Near by Because of You ■文 / 張智容 / Chih-Jung Chang


愛在心頭口難開 Uneasy to Say Love out Loud ■文 / 葉秀真 / Hsiu-Chen Yeh

陪在你身邊 Stand by You ■文 / 江青純 / Ching-Chun Chiang


生命的禮物 Helping People Brings Happiness ■文 / 洪一文 / Yi-Wen Hung

起承轉合在心蓮 Nursing Competence Integrated in Heart Lotus ■文 / 劉家君 / Chia-Jun Liu

風中的早晨 That Morning in a Breeze ■文 / 郭曉萍 / Xiao-Ping Guo


圓緣 A Fortunate Encounter ■文 / 徐建鳴 / Jian-Ming Xu


影響學齡期氣喘病兒童社會適應之家庭資源因素的探討 A Study on Family Resources Factors Affect on Social Adjustment of School-age Children with Asthma
■ 文 /穆佩芬.吳沾.吳克恭.劉育秀/Pei-Fan Mu, Jane Wu, Keh-Gong Wu, Yu-Shiu Liu

降低加護病房呼吸器耗損率之改善專案 Decrease the Damage Rate of Ventilator in ICU ■文 / 余珮蓉.曾琦琳 /Pei-Jung Yu, Tseng-Chi Lin

一位闌尾炎合併化膿性肝膿瘍患者之護理經驗 Nursing Experience of an Appendicitis Patient with Pyogenic Liver Abscess ■文 / 黃春滿.董道興.師慧娟 /Chun-Man Huang, Tao-Hsin Tung, Hui-Chuan Shih

一位脊髓損傷併發褥瘡患者之護理經驗 Nursing a Patient with Spinal Cord Injury and Decubitus Ulcer ■文 / 沈秀紋.劉晴宜 / Show-Wen Shen, Chang-Yi Liu

運用羅氏適應模式於一位左手截肢患者之護理經驗 Nursing Experience of a Patient with a Left Hand Amputation Using Roy’s Adaptation ■文 / 陳慧芳.陳惠滿 /Hui-Fang Chen, Hui-Man Chen

照顧一位三度房室傳導阻斷病患裝置心律調節器的護理經驗 Nursing Experience with a Third-Degree Atrioventricular Block Patient Who Received Permanent Pacemaker Implantation ■文 /梁啟娟 /Chi-Chaun Liang

一位子宮切除患者的手術全期護理經驗 Experience in Perioperative Nursing Care for a Patient Who Underwent Total Hysterectomy ■文 /王桂櫻 /Guei-Ying Wang

