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巧藝活化腦力 For the Elderly to Improve Brain Power by Doing Good Deeds  網頁瀏覽


大林20 護理成林 文/賴寧生 Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital 20th Anniversary, Gratitude to All Nursing Professionals  網頁瀏覽


營造心的溫暖關係 文/章淑娟 Develop Heart-Warming Relationships  網頁瀏覽

【白袍 vs. 白衣】

堅持艱辛漫長的防疫路 文/賴俊良 Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital Insists on COVID-19 Prevention  網頁瀏覽


疫不容辭 談新冠肺炎防疫經驗 文/林興隆 The COVID-19 Epidemic Prevention Experiences of Tzu Chi Hospitals Nurses in Taiwan

希望就在烏雲後-COVID-19疫情下的感管師 文/蔡淑娟 As an Infection Control Nurse During the Outbreak of COVID-19 Epidemic

壓痕是守護最真實的印記 文/楊家嘉 Pressure Marks on Face Are True Imprints Fighting COVID-19

承擔與責任 文/楊曉菁 Shoulder the Task & Responsibility

我在田中央揮汗如雨 文/陳美妏 Safe-Guard Life in ER of Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital

勇於挑戰,勇者無懼 文/賴冠竹 No Fear, Be Brave to Face COVID-19 Challenge


再續中寮慈濟緣 廖盈謹 大林慈院專科護理師小組長 文/于劍興 Karmic Affinity with Tzu Chi Since 921 Earthquake– Ying-Chin Liao, Nurse Practitioner & NP Leader, Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital  網頁瀏覽


伸縮式抽痰管套組 文/簡啟峰 Novel Telescopic Suction Tube Set  網頁瀏覽


最大的福分 文/陳麗玉 The Great Bliss Is to Be a Member of Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital  網頁瀏覽

陪母親拚過一個劫 文/賴秀蓉 Stay with Mom to Fight Over Death  網頁瀏覽


接受急診挑戰 文/陳建廷 Challenging Myself as an ER Nurse  網頁瀏覽


做中學的菜鳥專師 文/馬語晞 NP Rookie Accumulating Profession in Clinical Practice  網頁瀏覽

鼓勵代替責備 文/李淑銀 Don’t Scold, Encourage While Supervise  網頁瀏覽


想念醫療志工的溫情照護 文/楊鵑瑜 Miss the Days with Medical Volunteers in the Hospital  網頁瀏覽


提升加護病房護理人員執行執行心肺容積監視器照護正確性之專案 文/賴佩霞、蔡宛容、李若嘉、馮葶憶 Improving the Proficiency of Intensive Care Unit Nursing Personnel at Operating the Pulse-Induced Contour Cardiac Output

運用精實手法改善肺癌患者住院化療治療流程之專案 文/周蜜淳、張淨淇、曾莉雯、許月麗、呂佩珍 The Application of Lean Methodology to Improve Inpatient Chemotherapy of Lung Cancer Patients

提升門診智慧醫療生理測量數值自動上傳效率 文/薛錦滿、翁麗真、酒小蕙、許美治 Improvement in Efficiency of Uploading Data of Vital Parameters Onto Electronic Medical Records Among Outpatients

照護一位老年憂鬱症患者服用鈣離子阻斷劑自殺之護理經驗 文/鄒宗泰、林貴滿 Nursing Care Experience of a Patient with Elderly Depression Who Attempted Suicide Using Calcium Channel Blockers

一位原住民女性遭受家庭暴力之急診照護經驗 文/范君嘉、張惠英 Nursing Experience of an Aboriginal Woman in Emergency Room Suffering from Domestic Violence

運用治療性遊戲於類思覺失調症青少年社交互動障礙之照護經驗 文/林華瑩、黃惠滿、楊婉珍、陳怡仙、陳咨淇 Application of Play Therapy to Ameliorate Social Interaction Disturbance in a Teenager with Schizophreniform Disorder
