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展開大愛保護膜 Open Up the Great Love Protective Shield to Beat Virus  網頁瀏覽


護理,安心守護的力量 文/陳宗鷹 Nursing Profession Assures the Strength to Safeguard Health & Life  網頁瀏覽


護理的社會責任 文/彭台珠 The Social Responsibilities of Nursing  網頁瀏覽

【白袍 vs. 白衣】

使命必達的護理伙伴 文/張恩庭 Altruistic Nursing Partners  網頁瀏覽


教學臨床巧鏈結 談護理人員職涯發展教育訓練需求 文/林玉娟 Clinical Learning on Track. On the Needs of Nursing Career Development Learning

跨領域團隊模擬境教 文/謝美玲 Trans-Disciplinary Reality Simulation in Nursing Courses

全人生命過程的職涯輔導推動 文/歐陽安琪、陸秀芳 Whole Person Life Pattern Nursing Career Advancement

多元認識母嬰護理職業環境 文/吳婉如 Diversified Experiences on the Maternal & Child Care Nursing Workplace


防疫時期加冠 彰顯護理價值 文/李家萱、葉秀品、徐瑩芷 Nursing Students Crowning Ceremony During COVID-19 Epidemic  網頁瀏覽


愛思考又隨順因緣 游亞歆 花蓮慈院精神科專科護理師 文/黃秋惠 A Thinking Lover & Karmic Accepter Ya-Hsin Yu, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital  網頁瀏覽


在自己的時區,我學習跨越自己 文/蔡昱汶 I Learn to Surpass Myself in My Own Time Zone  網頁瀏覽

願意受助也是一種勇敢 文/陸秀芳 Willing to Be Helped Is Bravery  網頁瀏覽


優良與資深護理人員 Honor and Awards  網頁瀏覽


成長為他人的撫慰者 文/林麗屏 Grown Matured to Be a Conciliator  網頁瀏覽


依心同行 文/陳沛青 Tzu Chi Parents in Tzu Chi University as Life Companions  網頁瀏覽


急診鋼鐵英雄夢 文/吳儼宸 My Iron Man Hero Dream Fulfilling in ER  網頁瀏覽


無法入院實習,深度探討健康與性別平等 文/李彥範、李柔萱、蔡予晨 No Hospital Internship Due to COVID-19, In-Depth Discussion of Health & Gender Equality Instead  網頁瀏覽


白噪音對於成人加護病房病人睡眠促進之成效:隨機對照試驗 文/魏可婷、吳珮菁、吳欣玫、謝伶瑜 The Effect of White Noise on Sleep in Patients Admitted to ICU: A Randomized Controlled Trial

提升重症單位護理人員對PiCCO 判讀正確率 文/許美惠、許佩芳、劉惠禎、范伯辛 Improvement of the Accuracy Rate of PiCCO Assessment for ICU Nursing Staff

運用多元化策略提升乳癌病人化學治療照護完整率 文/李素菊、姜美夙、陳盈樺、葉玟均、王美文、張秋媛 The Use of Diversified Teaching Strategies to Promote the Integrity of the Completeness Rate in the Care of Breast Cancer Patients for Chemotherapy

運用可掀式固定套降低學齡前兒童靜脈注射之害怕行為 文/王玉琴、邱珮華、李佳心 Reducing the Fear of Intravenous Injection in Preschool Children Without the Shackle

照護一位顱內出血患者之護理經驗 文/劉依鑫、蘇筱雅、張惠晴 Nursing Care for a Patient with Intracranial Hemorrhage

跨境施行人工電子耳植入術之嬰兒手術全期護理:以家庭為中心 文/莊燕妹、謝嘉芬 Perioperative Nursing for Infants Traveling for Cochlear Implantation: Family-Centered
