志為護理第十五卷一期-【精實護理】Lean Nursing






安定人心的力量 The Strength to Tranquil the Human Mind / Dharma Master Cheng Yen  網頁瀏覽


慈護三十 初心如一 文/高瑞和 花蓮慈濟醫院院長 Tzu Chi Nursing Care with Compassion for 30 Years / Ruey-Ho Kao  網頁瀏覽

【白袍 vs.白衣】

多照顧自己一點 文/謝至鎠 Dear Nurse, Take Good Care of Yourself / Dr. Jyh-Gang Hsieh  網頁瀏覽


臺灣專科護理師的執業範圍與角色界定 文/林雅萍 Regarding the Updated Regulation and Definition of Medical Practice for Nurse Practitioners in Taiwan / Ya-Ping Lin  網頁瀏覽


守護玉里 在地男丁 葉雲鑑 玉里慈院開刀房護理師 文/魏瑋廷 From a Soldier to a Male Nurse A Profile of Yun-Chien Yeh, Registered Nurse of OR, Yuli Tzu Chi Hospital / Wei-Ting Wei  網頁瀏覽

舵穩致達 楊政達 花蓮慈院外科加護病房專科護理師 文/吳宜芳、黃秋惠 Stay Steady and Self-Actualized A Profile of Cheng-Ta Yang, SICU Nurse Practitioner, Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital / Yi-Fang Wu, Chiu-Hui Huang  網頁瀏覽


讀懂生命故事 文/劉怡欣 The Story Within the Figure Map I Draw / Yi-Shin Liu  網頁瀏覽


菜鳥單飛 文/張順昌 Surgical ICU Fresh Male Nurse / Shun-Chang Zhang  網頁瀏覽


「說」病人故事 「畫」生命藍圖 ──花蓮慈院人形圖教學 編輯/王琬詳 Figure Map Tutoring in Hualien Nursing Team / Edited by Wan-Hsiang Wang  網頁瀏覽

站在他的角度看 文/張靜怡 From the Patient’s Point of View / Jing-Yi Zhang  網頁瀏覽

從圖看到全人 文/林樹婷 See the Whole Person from the Figure Map / Shu-Ting Lin  網頁瀏覽

發現傾聽的奧祕 文/田雅琪 Realize the Secret of Listening /Ya-Chi Tien  網頁瀏覽

從頭到腳細評估 文/胡靜婷 Evaluate a Patient from Head to Toe / Jing-Ting Hu  網頁瀏覽

愛上人形圖 文/邱鈺婷 Love the Utilization of the Figure Map Report and Tutoring / Yu-Ting Chiu  網頁瀏覽


致敬器捐勇者 感恩志工陪伴 文/施明蕙 The Gratitude to the Medical Volunteers’ Companion Throughout the Organ Donation Process / Ming-Hui Shih  網頁瀏覽


注入愛的分享 文/李淑惠 Learn to Share from Dr. Meza / Shu-Hui Lee  網頁瀏覽

眼神傳關懷 文/林祐萱 Eye Contact with the Doctor from Paraguay / You-Xuan Lin  網頁瀏覽

梅沙醫師付出無求 文/呂宜晏 The Beloved Great Giver Dr. Meza / I-Yen Lu  網頁瀏覽

放下悲痛擁抱愛 文/吳玫儀 Let Go of the Grief and Embrace Love / Mei-Yi Wu  網頁瀏覽



以跨團隊合作縮短 STEMI 病人接受心導管治療術時間 文/方淑珍、黃玉梅、郭雅菁、許翠華 Utilizing Team Cooperation to Shorten the Time in Patients with ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention / Shu-Chen Fang, Yu-Mei Huang, Ya-Ching Kuo, Tsui-Hua Hsu

照顧一位年輕女性接受放射線治療導致口腔合併症之護理經驗 文/蔡旻樺、洪翠蓮、林姿佳 A Nursing Experience of a Patient Diagnosed with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Suffering from Radiotherapy-Induced Oral Complication / Min-Hua Tsai, Tsui-Lian Hung, Tzu-Chia Lin

一位患有多發性骨髓瘤病人面對疾病復發之護理經驗 文/蘇敏鈴、蘇怡華、劉萍、梁麗麗 A Nursing Experience of a Patient with Multiple Myeloma Facing Recurrence / Min-Ling Su, Yi-Hwa Su, Ping Liu, Li-Li Liang

一位僵直性脊椎炎手術個案之照護經驗 文/陳怜潔、劉玉玲、王琬詳、葉惠玲 A Nursing Experience of a Postoperative Patient with Ankylosing Spondylitis / Ling-Jie Chen, Yu-Ling Liu, Wan-Hsiang Wang, Hui-Ling Yeh

一位褔爾尼埃氏壞疽患者之加護經驗 文/黃惠卿、辜美瑛、湯婉 An Intensive Care Experience of a Fournier’s Gangrene Patient / Huei-Ching Huang, Mei-Ying Ku, Wan-Lan Tang 










