





老得有用處、有尊嚴 Grow Old of Good Use and with Dignity  網頁瀏覽


全人醫療 合和互協 文/賴寧生 Put United Efforts for Holistic Health Care  網頁瀏覽


照護無藩籬 文/章淑娟 Health Care Without Wall  網頁瀏覽


多一點關懷鼓勵 文/曾國枝 Give More Praise to Clinical Nurses  網頁瀏覽


醫療儀器警示系統失靈新聞事件的反思與預防措施 文/楊曉菁 Reflection and Preventive Interventions from a Medical Equipment Alarm Malfunction News Event in Taiwan  網頁瀏覽


長照宅急便 談出院準備銜接長照2.0 文/江欣虹、廖慧燕 The Connection and Implementation from Hospital Discharge Plan to 10-Year Long-Term Care 2.0 Plan in Taiwan

高齡友善 從院內到院外 文/廖慧燕 Create Elder Friendly Environment both in Hospital and Communities

出院到居家 溫馨長照情 文/溫欣菁 Discharge to Home Care Long-Term Relationship

在家養老 最佳長照 文/林詩淳 The Elderly Stay Home as the Best Long-Term Care Scenario

從慢性病管理做起 文/江欣虹 Long-Term Care Management Starts from Chronical Disease Patients


開心歡喜每一天 王昍旻 大林慈院膝關節個案管理師 文/謝明芳 Be Optimistic and Joyful Everyday Hsuan-Min Wang, RN, Knee Joint Patients Case Manager, Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital  網頁瀏覽


菜鳥的在職進修路 文/陳菊 Continuous Education Program for a Unit Freshman  網頁瀏覽

將心比心的對待 文/胡宇娟 Treat Unit Members Heart by Heart  網頁瀏覽


懿德慈味,幸福飄香 文/盧淑麗 How Wonderful to Have Tzu Chi Volunteers as Moms & Dads in Our Ward  網頁瀏覽


覺中做 長智慧 文/楊鵑瑜 Awaken Through Learning and Gain Wisdom  網頁瀏覽


住院膚慰不孤單 文/胡宇娟 There’s Always Company in Rheumatology Ward  網頁瀏覽

不用再逃院 文/曾雲滋 No More Running Away from Hospital  網頁瀏覽


有溫度的成長 文/陳冠霖 Getting Professional with Human Touch  網頁瀏覽


提升學齡前呼吸道感染兒童噴霧治療之認知和技能 文/蔡宜蓁、陳怡伶、胡彩華、江素維、邱苡瑄、朱奕蓉、梁蕙芳 Enhancing Cognition and Skill in Aerosol Therapy in Preschool Children with Respiratory Infections

呼吸照護病房病人皮膚濕疹改善方案 文/蔡靜蜜、梁毓敏 A Project to Improve Therapeutic Efficacy for Skin Eczema in Respiratory Care Ward Patients

協助初次使用呼吸器個案面對脫離呼吸器過程之護理經驗 文/莊雅淇 A Nursing Experience of Assisting a Patient Weaning from Ventilator

運用Maslow 的需求理論協助一位大腸癌個案適應化學治療過程 文/邵麗萌、許翠華 Applying Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory to Assist a Colon Cancer Patient to Cope with Chemotherapeutic Process

一位糖尿病併發壞死性筋膜炎病患之照護經驗 文/張鶯蘭、曾瓊誼 A Nursing Experience of a Diabetes Mellitus Patient Complicated with Necrotizing Fasciitis

一位燙傷併潛在危險性廢用症候群病人之護理經驗 文/林琬純 A Nursing Experience of a Burn Patient at Risk for Disuse Syndrome







