




長養慧命之要 Wisdom Cultivation ■ / Dharma Master Cheng Yen


優質團隊合心邁進 Team Efforts with Unity to Build a Best-quality Hospital ■文 / 陳子勇 / Tzu-Yung Chen


團.圓 Union as a Circle – A Note on the First Xiamen Tzu Chi Nursing Management Training Course ■文 / 賴惠玲 / Hui-Ling Lai

【白袍 vs. 白衣】

有護真好 How Great to Have Nurses as Company ■文 / 邱國樑 / Kuo-Liang Chiu

齊護兒健康 Together We Take Good Care of Children’s Health ■文 / 黃冠翰 / Kuan-Han Huang


抗壓妙法──從二位急診護理輕生事件談起 Find Ways to Relieve Work Pressure – A Discussion on Two Consecutive Suicides of Young Nurses ■文 / 王佳玲、張雅婷、曾慶方 / Chia-Ling Wang, Ya-Ting Chang, Ching-Fang Tseng


共創同心圓 探討護理同仁與醫療團隊的合作 To Create a Circle of the Same Center - How Do Nurses Think About Teamwork and their Exploration to Inspire Best Team Efforts ■文 / 范姜玉珍、楊慧貞 / Yu-Chen Fan Chiang and Hui-Chen Yang

贏得信任與尊重 Earned Trust and Respect from Team Members ■文 / 古菊梅 / Chu-Mei Ku

缺一不可 Not One Less ■文 / 鄭青青 / Ching-Ching Cheng

團隊管理 安全更安心 Team Management, Safer and Trust-worthy ■文 / 李明貞 / Ming-Chen Li

團隊愛心 病人交心 Team Members Care with Love and Patients Feedback with Content ■文 / 許世芸 / Shih-Yun Hsu


療心之星 ──吳瑋婷 臺中慈院心蓮病房護理師 To Be a Mind-curer of Terminally-ill Patients - Wei-Ting Wu, Registered Nurse, Heart Lotus Palliative Care Ward, Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital ■文 / 陳秋珍 / Chiu-Chen Chen


穿上家屬的鞋──從護理工作到家屬的 角色反思 Wear the Carer’s Shoes – Reflections on Role Switching Between a Nurse and a Patient’s Family ■編輯 / 楊慧貞 / Edited by Hui-Chen Yang

陪病者 Be a Carer to a Family Patient ■文 / 巫思詩 / Sai-Shih Wu

願當家屬代言人 Willing to Be a Patient's Advocate ■文 / 黃姵瑄 / Pei-Hsuan Huang

陪病一週的成長 The Growth After One Week Caring an Inpatient Family ■文 / 陳亭宇 / Ting-Yu Chen


社區護理守護者 Volunteers as Guardians to the Community Nursing ■文 / 陳秀莉 / Hsiu-Li Chen


我們一直都在 We Are Here, Always ■文 / 黃秋萍 / Chiu-Ping Huang


生命最終的課題 The Last Lesson in Life ■文 / 富慧雲 / Hui-Yun Fu


無常 惜緣 Learned the Impermanence of Life and to Cherish the Affinity Among People ■文 / 張修輔 / Hsiu-Fu Chang


良性前列腺增生症狀困擾因應行為及生活品質之相關性探究 A Correlation Study of Symptom Distress, Coping Behavior and Quality of Life in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Patients ■ 文 / 王琡俐、童恒新、王曉暹、劉介宇、黃家倫、謝啟誠 / Chu-Li Wang, Heng-Hsin Tung, Hsiao-Hsien Wang, Chieh-Yu Liu, Chia-Lun Huang, Chi-Cheng Hsieh

提升新生兒加護病房早產兒純母乳哺育率之專案 A Program to Improve Exclusive Breastfeeding of Premature Infants in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit ■ 文 / 蘇美嬌、蔡佳芬、蘇紫蘋、徐旭香、葉淑惠 / Mei-Chiao Su, Chia-Fen Tsai, Tzu-Pin Su, Hsu-Hsiang Hsu, Shu-Hui Yeh

一位腎細胞癌轉移至後腹腔併腸浸潤需攜帶全靜脈營養返家之護理經驗 A Nursing Experience of a Patient with Retroperitoneal Metastasis of Renal Cell Carcinoma and Intestinal Infiltration Under Home Care with Total Parenteral Nutrition ■ 文 / 張育華、潘淑卿、李美慧 / Yu-Hua Chang, Shu-Ching Pan, Mei-Hui Lee

一位急性縱膈腔炎患者術後之護理經驗 A Nursing Experience of Postoperative Care for an Acute Mediastinitis Patient ■ 文 / 謝佳惠、梁明泰、洪昭安 / Chia-Hui Hsieh, Ming-Tai Liang, Chao-An Hung

照顧一位胃癌術後病患面對死亡恐懼之護理經驗 A Nursing Experience of a Postoperative Gastric Cancer Patient Suffering from Thanatophobia ■ 文 / 林雅婷、葉湘芬 / Ya-Ting Lin, Hsiang-Fen Yeh

一位失智長者轉介長期照護之護理經驗 A Nursing Experience of an Elder with Dementia Referred to Long-term Care ■ 文 / 王蕙菁、陳杏雯 / Hui-Chin Wang, Hsing-Wen Chen
