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庇蔭鄉親,造福人間 Nursing Profession Shields the Community with Homey Health Care  網頁瀏覽


新春祈願 息災平安 文/林欣榮 Welcome the Year of Mouse, Pray for the Health of the World  網頁瀏覽


茹素戒慎 齊心抗疫 文/章淑娟 Be Plant-Based Diet and Stay Vigilant to Fight the COVID-19 Outbreak  網頁瀏覽


慈悲與護理專業共好 文/鍾惠君 The Common Good of Compassion & Loving-Kindness and Nursing Profession  網頁瀏覽


終點站的省思 談末期病人之護理照護經驗與啟發 文/王淑貞 Terminally-Ill Patients Nursing Care Experiences & Inspiration

兒童安寧 短暫生命的美麗光芒 文/鄭雅君 Help Short Life Shine – Palliative Care for Newborn, Infants & Children

重症懂安寧 生死都盡力 文/王琬詳 Palliative Care in ICU Wards, Rescue Life & Soul

預立醫療 自己作主 文/張智容 Advanced Care Planning, Make Our Own Decision

安寧緩和療護中的心理護理 文/趙可式 Psychological Nursing in Palliative Care

臺灣緩和照護品質的挑戰 文/王英偉 Facing Challenges for Palliative Care Quality in Taiwan


急診暖男的護理實踐 高立晟 花蓮慈院急診護理師 文/林芷儀、洪靜茹 An ER Male Nurse Combining Academic Research & Practices – Li-Cheng Kao, RN, ER, Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital  網頁瀏覽


時間停格的寧靜與溫暖 文/陳俐琦 Palliative Care Brings Tranquility & Warmth  網頁瀏覽

自我成長的資深新人 文/江青純 Assist a Senior Freshman in Palliative Care  網頁瀏覽


控糖路上 志工同行 文/葉秀真 Blood Sugar Control Volunteers  網頁瀏覽


我與病人家庭的生命交融 文/陳綵珍 My Nursing Career Blending with Patients & Their Families  網頁瀏覽

創造最後幾哩路的幸福記憶 文/陳純純 Create Blissful Memories in His/Her Last Miles in Life  網頁瀏覽


散發護理光芒 文/陳羿堯 Being Honored as a Male Nurse  網頁瀏覽


圓滿遺願 全家安詳 文/鄧淯勻 Fulfill Patients’ Last Wishes and Inner-Calm for Their Whole Families  網頁瀏覽



安寧臨床佛教宗教師於臨終照護的悲憫疲憊經驗初探 文/釋普安、蔡昌雄、蔡淑玲 Exploratory Study of the Experience of Compassion Fatigue of Clinical Buddhist Chaplains in Hospice Terminal Care

降低腦中風病人口腔照護不完整率之改善專案 文/莊詩盈、廖怡婷、洪淑子、蔡淑芳 Improving the Completeness of Oral Care for Stroke Patients

運用翻轉教學模式提升急診人員N3 個案報告送審成效 文/林純臻、陳珮芬、郭泓慧、盧美言 Using the Flip Teaching Mode to Improve the Submission Effectiveness of the Emergency Department N3 Case Report

運用治療性遊戲於一位手指皮瓣移植兒童之護理經驗 文/呂佳蓉、劉淑倩、黃淑娟、陳婉宜 Nursing Experience of Applying Therapeutic Play to a Child Who Has Undergone Finger Skin Graft Surgery

運用善終概念協助肝癌末期病人家屬決策歷程之護理經驗 文/董芸庭、高綺吟、孫婉娜 Nursing Experience of Assisting Hospice Care Decision Making for Families of a Terminally-Ill Liver Cancer Patient

照護一位糖尿病足部病變老年患者之護理經驗 文/陳桂萍、黃美瓊 Nursing Experience of Caring for an Aging Patient with Diabetes Mellitus and Feet Lesions
