志為護理第二十二卷四期-【培新芽疫無礙】2021-2023年新冠疫情時期 職場新人適應與輔導經驗


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守護醫療的「家」 Guarding the Tzu Chi Medical Mission, Our Home


世紀疫災讓我們更堅強 文/賴俊良 The Plague of the Century COVID-19 Makes Us Stronger


友善多元活化 恆持護理熱情 文/陳佳蓉 Friendly and Diverse Cultivation, Constant Nursing Enthusiasm

【白袍 vs. 白衣】

共同推動透析者的安寧緩和醫療 文/李振豪 Jointly Promoting Palliative Care for Dialysis Patients


培新芽疫無礙 2021-2023年新冠疫情時期 職場新人適應與輔導經驗 文/林詩淳 2021-2023 New Nurses Clinical Adaptation and Counseling Experience during the COVID-19 Epidemic Period

加碼臨床技能教學 疫後新人無懼 文/羅憶琳 Tutoring Clinical Skills for Nursing Freshmen during the COVID-19 Outbreak

疫情下的臨床引路人 文/蘇雅綺 Be a Preceptor for New Nurses without Internship Experiences Caused by COVID-19

陪伴新人勇往直前 文/林欣羿 Accompany the Newcomers Overcome Fear of COVID-19 Epidemic


抗癌守護者 魏靖倫 大林慈院10B病房護理師 文/馮瑞伶 Cancer Patients Male Guardian–Jing-Lun Wei, RN, Ward 10B, Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital


工作上手的魔法 文/辜翊玹 Magic to Be Sophisticated at Work

團隊護航留人才 文/楊鵑瑜 Retain Talents with Team Efforts


急診三年小尖兵 文/卓宜鋒 An Excellent 3-Year-Experience ER Nurse


邁向護理未來的青年 文/羅州評 I’m a Young Man Marching Out for My Nursing Career

第一線防疫抗疫的普通人 文/林劉文斌 An Ordinary Male Nurse on the Front Line of COVID-19 Epidemic Prevention

能獨當一面 晚一個月又何妨 文/郭嘉修 One More Month Trial Period Wouldn’t Matter


常有感動的人生舞臺 文/徐燕萍 Volunteers Bring the Stage of Life Many Touching Moments


正念療法介入方案對護理臨床教師工作壓力、睡眠困擾成效探討 文/田久芸、蘇貞云、季若妤、酒小蕙、李榮芬、明金蓮 The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Programs on Work Stress and Sleep Disturbance in Nurse Preceptors

提升住院高齡長者下床活動率 文/李芸、廖怡涵、賴莞欣、高婉琪 Enhancing Out-of-Bed Mobilization of Elderly Patients

提升護理人員對智能藥櫃使用正確率之改善專案 文/洪修倫、蔡雅妃、吳珮琪、李奇紋、王美文 Promoting the Accuracy of Operating Automated Dispensing Cabinets for Nursing Staff

一位行單階段微創經皮腎造廔碎石術病人之手術全期護理 文/邱湘涵 Full-Period Nursing Care of a Patient Undergoing Single-Stage Minimally Invasive Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy

一位角膜潰瘍個案行多次全層角膜移植手術之照護經驗 文/盧靖旻、葉惠玲 Experience of Caring a Patient with Corneal Ulcer Underwent Multiple Surgeries of Penetrating Keratoplasty

照顧一位女性運動員接受足踝韌帶手術之門診護理經驗 文/謝宜呈、林芷伃 Nursing Experience in Caring for a Female Athlete Outpatient Undergoing Ankle Ligament Surgery
