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續編菲國醫療史 Rooting the Tzu Chi Medical Mission in the Philippines


護理新氣象 見證慈濟人文 文/趙有誠 Nursing Staff in Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital Put Tzu Chi’s Humanity into Action


後疫情時代的護理師 文/吳秋鳳 Nurses in the Post-Epidemic Era

【白袍 vs. 白衣】

以單位需求出發,打造最佳虛擬實境教學團隊 文/劉子弘 Building the Best Virtual Reality Teaching Team Based on Unit Needs


VR虛擬實境擬真教學 科技擬境融入慈濟臨床護理教學應用 文/陳依琳 VR Simulation in Clinical Teaching

善用VR模擬 預防精神科暴力 文/柯怡安、楊悅絹、游雅柔、廖金蓮 Make Good Use of VR Simulation to Prevent Psychiatric Violence

虛擬臨床多重選擇及後果體驗 文/彭柏皓 Multiple Choices and Consequences Experience in Virtual Clinical Workplace

VR遺體護理教學 共感同理尊重 文/林怡君 Going Through VR Postmortem Care Learning Empathy and Respect


啟發照護本心 廖金蓮 台北慈院身心科病房護理長 文/廖唯晴 Keep on Inspiring the Caring Heart–Jillian Liao, Head Nurse, Psychiatric Ward, Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital


臨床教師的細膩與提點 口述/陳俐伶 Details and Tips from My Preceptor

沒有距離感的傳承 口述/陳育暄 Pass on to New Nurses Without Generation Gap


加護病房的憂悲歡喜 文/楊惠婷 The Joys and Sorrows in Our SICU

遊戲教學度過評鑑 文/鄭愉軒 Unit Game Teaching Passes the Hospital Accreditation


勇敢說愛 文/潘盈潓 Be Brave to Speak Out LOVE

陪她能吃能睡能安心 文/呂沄恩、劉可賢 Accompanying Her to Eat, Sleep and Feel at Ease


意向性護理療癒 講者/穆佩芬教授 Intentionality Nursing Healing


心靈休憩處 文/翁琬貞 Company of Tzu Chi Volunteer Parents Is Like a Spiritual Resting Place


三十而立持續進化的急診男丁 文/王景德 Continue Optimizing Emergency Medicine Profession in My 30s


運用多元策略提升孕婦初期子癲前症風險評估篩檢率 文/洪芝怡、陳秋璇、吳憬懿、胡靜文、嚴美華 Applying Multiple Strategies to Improving the Pre-Eclampsia Screening Rate of Risk Assessment in the Early Pregnancy

鼻咽癌病人接受同步化學治療及質子放射線治療之護理經驗 文/廖怡雯、黃惠珠、白藍妮、紀夙芬、葉淑玲 Nursing Experience of a Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Patient Undergoing Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy

照護一位愛滋病感染者併發伺機性感染行人工造口術後之護理經驗 文/林良餘、洪富如、林資諺 Nursing Experience in Caring for an AIDS Case With Cytomegalovirus Enteritis Undergoing Enterostomy

一位植入性胎盤產婦接受子宮全切除手術之照護經驗 文/蕭潤勤、陳曉玫 Nursing Experience of a Patient Undergoing a Cesarean Section and Total Hysterectomy for Placenta Accreta

一位初次腦中風病人轉銜長照復能之護理經驗 文/林君玲、徐琬茵 Nursing Experience in Bridging a First-Time Stroke Patient to Long-Term Care Rehabilitation
