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柬埔寨愛延續 Medical Love Extends in Cambodia  網頁瀏覽


護理路上愛同行 關懷不分你我他 文/簡守信 Delicate Care for Nursing Partners  網頁瀏覽


災難來臨,護理湧出 文/章淑娟 Nursing Staff Devoted in Hualien Earthquake Relief  網頁瀏覽


護腎慈母心 文/陳一心 Thank Nephrology Nurses for Always Being Kind to Patients  網頁瀏覽


從社群媒體自娛影片 談護病倫理自覺的重要性 文/王美惠 Some Nurses’ Self-Made Films on Social Media Drew Negative Attention, How Shall We Stay Alert of the Ethical Codes?  網頁瀏覽


談新人時期適應經驗與協助 文/吳東芸、劉慧玲 Training and Support for Novice and Transferred Clinical Nurses

在被救援中成長 文/周亭吟 Being Rescued by Seniors in Probation Period and Gradually Mature

成長的軌跡 文/陳郁欣 My Track of Growth in Nursing

放慢腳步拉一把 文/廖宜芸 Slow Down and Give Juniors a Hand

輔導專師新希望 文/陳姵心 Supervise the Nurse Practitioner Candidates


用付出豐富生命 陳美鳳 臺中慈院婦產科病房護理師 文/葉姿琳 Enrich Life by Devotion in Nursing Mei-Feng Chen, RN, Obstetrics & Gynecology Ward, Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital  網頁瀏覽


恰巧的六十歲生日麵線 文/王佳玲 The Accidental 60th Birthday Noodles for a Dedicated Wife  網頁瀏覽


觸動柔軟心 文/張佩瑜 The Vulnerability of Patients Moved Me to Be a Better Nurse  網頁瀏覽

陪妳做足準備 文/江芳瑩 Convoy the Juniors to Be Well-Prepared  網頁瀏覽


衛教老師,病人學生 文/嚴佩詩 As a Health Education Teacher to Diabetes Patients  網頁瀏覽

陪伴是最好的禮物 文/張梅怡 Being There Is the Best Present  網頁瀏覽

不便的滋味 文/張華茹 Experience the Inconvenience with an Enterostomy  網頁瀏覽


一條漫長的回家路 文/黃亮璋 A Long Way Home  網頁瀏覽


與你同行 文/李彥範 Walk with You  網頁瀏覽


護理全聯會創新競賽 慈科大獲二獎項肯定 Tzu Chi University of Science & Technology Won National Creation Prizes  網頁瀏覽


降低非計劃性氣管內管拔除率之改善專案 文/蘇佳美、林建宏、黃惠美、陳雅惠 A Project to Reduce Unplanned Endotracheal Extubation

延續「腎」命- 糖尿病腎病變病人面臨血液透析抉擇之急診照護經驗 文/趙佳容、郭嘉琪 An Emergency Nursing Experience of a Patient with Diabetic Nephropathy Facing Hemodialysis Decision-Making

照顧一位不孕症孕婦罹患急性闌尾炎抉擇終止妊娠之護理經驗 文/張書瑗 A Nursing Experience of an Infertile Woman with Appendicitis Terminating Pregnancy

照顧一位直腸癌患者行腹腔鏡腹部會陰切除術之手術全期護理 文/林叔萱、李菊華、辜漢章 A Perioperative Nursing Experience of A Patient with Rectal Cancer Undergoing Laparoscopic Abdominal Perineal Resection

照顧一位服用巴拉刈中毒個案之急診護理經驗 文/黃子芸、蔡佳玲、王婉甄、施美娟 An Emergency Nursing Experience of a Patient with Paraquat Self-Poisoning

照護首例手臂異體移植病人之護理經驗 文/鍾雅惠、林怡君、張蘭芬、湯婉女蘭 A Nursing Experience of Allogeneic Arm Transplantation
