




樂觀迎向陽光 Assist the Burn Survivors to Greet the Sun / Dharma Master Cheng Yen  網頁瀏覽


無常聚善緣 真摯護理情 文/趙有誠 Impermanence Brought Good Karmic Cause, Nurses and Patients Bonded Sincere Friendship / Dr. You-Chen Chao  網頁瀏覽


災難中的護理榮光 文/章淑娟 Honor of Nursing Professionals Aroused in the June Blast in Taiwan / Shu-Chuan Chang  網頁瀏覽

【白袍 vs.白衣】

搶救塵爆 全力以赴 文/張恒嘉 We Do Our Best to Save the 12 Seriously Burned Patients / Dr. Heng-Chia Chang  網頁瀏覽


從八里塵爆意外省思大量傷患緊急應變作業 文/廖如文 Reflection on the Mass Casualty Incident Procedure from Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital’s Emergency Response to the Taiwan’s Water Park Dust Explosion / Ru-Wen Liao  網頁瀏覽


救困扶危 - 災難護理經驗分享與訓練養成 文/徐美華 Rescue and Cure - Disaster Nursing Experiences and Expertise Cultivation / Mei-Hua Hsu 

救人的力量 文/蔡芳玲 The Strength to Save Lives / Fang-Ling Tsai

傷疤是重新開始的記號 文/溫茱雅 Take the Scars as a Mark to Restart a New Life / Che-Ya Wen

護理專長樂助人 文/吳惠慎 Nursing Talents Love to Give a Hand to Others / Hui-Shen Wu


塵爆檢傷第一線 文/楊媛婷 ER Front Line for the Water Park Dust Explosion Hurt Ones / Young-Ting Yang  網頁瀏覽

急診驚魂夜 文/方佩鈺 Breath Taking Night in ER at Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital / Pei-Yu Fang  網頁瀏覽

供應無休 文/林麗華 Restless Supply Center / Li-Hua Lin  網頁瀏覽

別怕,你不孤單 文/洪巧如 Do Not Fear, You Are Not Alone / Chiao-Ju Hong  網頁瀏覽

勇敢的新朋友 文/林劭 My Brave New Friends / Shao Lin  網頁瀏覽

膚愛志工隨處在 文/余翠翠 Volunteers Are Ever / Tsui-Tsui Yu  網頁瀏覽

能付出,很幸運 文/許淑娟 It’s My Luck to Take Care of the Needy / Shu-Chuan Hsu  網頁瀏覽

平安就是福 文/林郁卿 Being Safe Is Bliss / Yu-Ching Lin  網頁瀏覽

合和互協之美 文/吳秋鳳 The Beauty of Unity, Harmony, Mutual Love, and Concerted Effort / Chiu-Feng Wu  網頁瀏覽

塵爆護理見真情 文/謝美玲、彭台珠 Nursing Spirits Shine in the Care of the Burned Patients / Mei-Lin Hsieh, Tai-Chu Peng  網頁瀏覽

兩周的搶救與教學 文/王鐸蓉 Saving Life and Tutoring Burn Care in the First Two Weeks after the Blast Accident / To-Jung Wang  網頁瀏覽

實現助人的願 文/陳懷玉 Fulfill My Dream to Help the Needy / Huai-Yu Chen  網頁瀏覽

盡全力支援 文/林惠美 Anesthesia Nursing Support from Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital / Hui-Mei Lin  網頁瀏覽


傷口護理撫身心 溫茱雅 臺北慈院傷口造口護理師 文/臺北慈院公傳室 A Profile of Che-Ya Wen, Wound and Ostomy Care Nurse, Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital / Public Communications Dept. of Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital  網頁瀏覽


跨出舒適圈 編輯/楊心彤 Go Out of Our Comfort Zone / Hsin-Tong Yang  網頁瀏覽

樂在付出 文/吳宜璇 Enjoy participating in Free Clinic / Yi-Syuan Wu  網頁瀏覽

柔韌的軟實力 文/陳盈如 Persistent Soft Power / Ying-Ru Chen  網頁瀏覽

助人是生活一部分 文/蔡碧雀 Helping Others Is a Part of My Life / Pi-Chueh Tsai  網頁瀏覽


十年的護理時光 文/鄭介炬 10 Years in Tzu Chi Nursing / Chiah-Chu Cheng  網頁瀏覽


應用緩和傷口照護於末期病人四級壓瘡之傷口護理經驗 文/曹文昱、許美玉 The Nursing Experience of Applying Palliative Wound Care for Stage IV Pressure Ulcer in a Patient at the End of Life / Wen-Yi Tsao, Mei-Yu Hsu

照顧一位學齡期氣喘兒童對藥物不遵從之護理經驗 文/王秀玲、吳美玲 The Nursing Experience of Caring a Schoolage Child with Asthma Non-Compliance to Medical Regimen / Hsiu-Ling Wang, Mei-Ling Wu

照顧一位脊柱側彎接受矯正手術年輕少女之護理經驗 文/卓倩宇、姚淑華、邱雅鈴 The Nursing Experience of a Young Female Patient Undergoing Scoliosis Correction Surgery / Chien-Yu Cho, Shu-Hua Yao, Ya-Ring Chiu

運用 SOFT 工具提升產後親子立即皮膚接觸照護完整率 文/曾郁心、楊詩蘋、李秋桂 Improving the Coverage Ratio of Immediate Maternal-Newborn Skin Contact Care After Childbirth by Using SOFT Tools / Yu-Hsin Tseng, Shin-Ping Yang, Chiu-Kuel Li

一位初次癲癇發作個案之急診護理經驗 文/趙子慧、吳貞鋆、郭嘉琪 An Emergency Nursing Experience of a Patient with a First Epileptic Seizure / Zi-Huei Chao, Chen-Yun Wu, Chia-Chi Kuo 

