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為捐髓改惡習 One Quitted Bad Habits for Bone Marrow Donation  網頁瀏覽


正向面對困難的典範 文/趙有誠 A Role Model for Facing Difficulty with Resolution  網頁瀏覽


溝通有愛,合齊最美 文/章淑娟 Communication with Love Brings Harmony  網頁瀏覽


營造童趣護理心 文/蔡立平 Full-Hearted Pediatric Nurses  網頁瀏覽


用心用愛提升留任率 談護理新人培育與留任 文/廖如文 Discussions Regarding Camps or Activities for Nursing Freshmen Recruitment and Retention  網頁瀏覽


勇氣與轉念 文/黃致閔 Courage and Thought Transformation

親情動力 文/余琇楓 Affection as Driving Force for Nursing Profession

平衡的智慧 文/黃琬迪 The Wisdom to Keep Work-Life Balance

勇於承擔 文/林芷伃 Undertake the Task from a NP to a HN


樂迎新生命 黃立穎 臺北慈院嬰兒室護理師 文/徐莉惠 Always Be Prepared to Welcome a Newborn – Li-Ying Huang, RN, Baby Room, Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital  網頁瀏覽


獨當一面我可以 口述/高瑀蓮 I Want to Pass the Probation and Be On My Own Soon  網頁瀏覽

妳一定做得到 口述/林秋涵 Sure, You Can Do IT  網頁瀏覽


善意溝通四大要素 觀察、感受、需要、請求(上) 文/吳瓊芬 The 4-Part Non-Violent Communication Process – Observations, Feelings, Needs, and Requests


奶奶臉上的陽光 文/鄭伃岑 Sunshine Shown On a Patient Grandma’s Face  網頁瀏覽

浪子敞心房 文/周姵蓁 Our Team Softens a Drunkard’s Heart in ER  網頁瀏覽

乘願之愛 文/陳盈如 As If a Premature Infant Reborn  網頁瀏覽


挫折豐富自我 文/張君瑜 Frustration Nurtured a Better Me  網頁瀏覽


人生從此不同 文/陳勇志 My Life Changes Because of Nursing Profession  網頁瀏覽

深夜的長年菜 文/賴鼎璁 Missing “Long Years Vegetables” in Chinese New Year Eve  網頁瀏覽


溫暖的肩膀 文/蕭春華 Tzu Chi Volunteers with Hearty Support for Medical Staff to Count On  網頁瀏覽


降低手術室骨骼銀行保存庫捐贈物之感染率 文/陳淑芬、楊秀琪、劉芳蒂、吳素蘭、王琦 A Project to Decrease the Infection Rate of Allograft Bones in the Storage of Operating Room Bone Bank

運用關懷理論於一位青少年反覆性自殺之急診護理經驗 文/姚孝菁、陳冬蜜、練美華、周嫚君 A Nursing Experience of an Adolescent Patient with Repeated Suicide Attempts Using Watson’s Theory of Caring

照顧一位子宮頸癌末期病人之照護經驗 文/劉宜盈、楊雪玲、陳尚文、王心潔 A Nursing Experience of a Terminal Cervical Cancer Patient

協助一位重症肺癌末期病人預立醫療決策之護理經驗 文/劉惠娟、陳雅惠 A Nursing Experience of Assisting a Critically Ill End-Stage Lung Cancer Patient in Drafting an Advance Directive

運用悲傷輔導於葡萄胎孕婦接受化學藥物治療之護理經驗 文/朱君蕙、陳瑩倢 A Nursing Experience of Providing Grief Counseling to a Pregnant Patient with Hydatidiform Mole to Undergo Chemotherapy

照顧一位因蒙迪尼發育不良引起復發性腦膜炎病童之照護經驗 文/吳映厲、李佳玲 A Nursing Experience of a Child with Recurrent Bacterial Meningitis Associated with Mondini Dysplasia
