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愛鋪大地,情蓋長空 Love Paves the Earth, Compassion Spreads Across the Universe


疫情下的教與學 文/羅文瑞 Teaching and Learning under the COVID-19 Pandemic


莫忘初心 勇培護理人才 文/張紀萍 To Cultivate Tzu Chi Nursing Talents during the COVID-19 Pandemic

【白袍 vs. 白衣】

亦師亦友亦家人的白衣天使 文/羅文綾 Nursing Professionals as Partners, Families, and Instructors in Medical Education


強固銀髮力 慈濟護理人員對於衰弱的認知與照護經驗 文/趙淑美 The Cognition and Caring Experiences to Frailty of Tzu Chi Nursing Staff

心不老 恢復好 文/李崇仁 Encourage Elder Patients to Have a Young Heart to Keep Away from Frailty

走到戶外看雲去-居家護理的復能成效 文/李康莉 The Frail Elderly Finally Walk Outdoors to See the Sky - The Rehabilitation Effect of Home Care Nursing Project


兒科的歡歡公主 宋景歡 花蓮慈院兒科副護理長 文/林芷儀、黃秋惠 Princess Huan-Huan to Kids. Jing-Huan Song, Deputy Head Nurse of Pediatric Ward, Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital


選你所愛 愛你所選 文/黃重鈞 Choose the Profession I Love and Love the Choice I Made

佩服你的勇氣 文/廖素絨 Admire Your Courage


疫期支援急診小記 文/吳奕倫 From ICU to Support ER during COVID-19 Pandemic Period


實證魅力 優化臨床 戴佳惠 花蓮慈院護理部督導 文/黃秋惠 Evidence-Based Nursing Promoter. Chia-Hui Tai, Supervisor of Nursing Dept., Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital


成長慧命的魔法師 文/蔡宜辰 Tzu Chi Volunteer Parents as Magicians of Growing Wisdom

尋找方向的指引 文/余誠翊 Thank Tzu Chi Volunteer Parents Be My Guide of Career Direction


控糖有方 文/陳怡瑜 Assist Diabetic Patients to Keep Blood Sugar under Control


失智護理中的金點 文/曾玉玲 Won the National Golden Point Award for Dementia Nursing Care


智慧醫療於健康照護之應用 文/羅翊邦、蔣尚霖、林佳慧 Applications of Smart Medicine in Health Care

提升內科加護病房護理人員對置放心肺容積監測之照護正確率 文/粘雅淨、周美瓊、唐敏華、紀巧玲、張寧郁、郭文英 Improvement of the Ability to Care for Pulse-Induced Contour Cardiac Output by the Nursing Staff in an Intensive Care Unit

提升居家外籍看護執行留置導尿管照顧正確率 文/莊佩宜、陳嘉琤、黃雅芬、劉雅菁 Improvement of the Accuracy of Indwelling Urinary Catheter Care in Foreign Caregivers

一位卡波西氏肉瘤併感染傷口之急診照護經驗 文/方綺筠、張惠英 An Emergency Care Nursing Experience of a Patient with AIDS Combined with Kaposi's Sarcoma Wound Infection

照顧單臂異體移植個案之護理經驗 文/徐淑芬、黃惠珠、林秀如、沈永釗 Nursing Experience of a Single-Arm Allogeneic Transplant

照護一位罹患狼瘡性腎炎引發末期腎病變青少女初次執行腹膜透析之護理經驗 文/陳昱臻、于凱齡 Nursing Experience of the First Peritoneal Dialysis Treatment for an Adolescent Girl with End-Stage Renal Disease Related to Lupus Nephritis
