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真正的白衣大士 Altruism of Nursing Profession Shines During COVID-19 Pandemic


守住新冠疫情 用心用愛的全人醫療 文/趙有誠 The Whole Person Medicine of Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital to Fight Against COVID-19 Pandemic


護理抗疫 勇者無懼 文/章淑娟 Courageous Nursing Professionals Against the COVID-19 Outbreak

【白袍 vs. 白衣】

聯手抗疫,最棒的慈濟護理夥伴 文/鄭敬楓 Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital Nursing Team, Great Force for COVID-19 Pandemic Prevention


面對新冠肺炎的變與不變 慈濟護理同仁新冠肺炎防疫認知與經驗 文/廖如文 The Cognition & Experiences of Tzu Chi Nursing Professionals to COVID-19 Disease Control & Prevention in Taiwan

不怕病毒的擁抱 文/陳蓁蓁 A Big Hug to a Patient in the COVID-19 Negative Pressure Isolation Room

疫起讓愛飛揚 文/蔡碧雀 The Support & Execution to the COVID-19 Vaccination Station in theNew Taipei City Jing Si Halls

檢疫所的防疫小尖兵 文/郭懷恩 Volunteered to Be One Nursing Member of the Quarantine Shelter


做好每一刻當下 何佩柔 臺北慈院一般醫學暨高齡整合病房護理長 文/翁瑞萍 Make My Best Effort in the Now Moment Pei-Joe Ho, Elderly Ward Head Nurse, Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital


微笑之星的魔力 口述/翁瑞萍 The Magic Power of the Smiling Star in Our Ward

不要怕吃苦,不要怕提問 口述/彭莉云 Don’t Fear to Ask & Do Hard Work


「疫」起譜出幸福協奏曲 文/蔡亞珊 The Concerto of Happiness in Our Ward Under COVID-19 Pandemic

無懼新冠考驗的母愛 文/林淑慧 The Maternal Love of One COVID-19 Female Patient from Laboring to Breast Feeding


打敗新冠病毒大怪獸 文/蔡欣妤 Let’s Defeat the COVID-19 Monster Together

因為新冠而離別 文/蔡雯婷 Say Farewell to My COVID-19 Patient


慈濟志工是防疫最佳夥伴 文/張凱雁 Tzu Chi Volunteers Are the Best Partners for COVID-19 Prevention


集中檢疫所支援記 文/謝嘉峻 My Note of Supporting the Quarantine Shelter


探討娃娃治療介入對長期照顧機構住民憂鬱程度之影響 文/張妤安、施以諾、郭佳慧 Exploring the Influence of Doll Therapy on Depression Level of Long-Term Care Facility Residents

提升亞急性呼吸照護護理人員操作遠紅外線儀之正確率 文/李婕儒、莊美芳、鄭金里、張如吟、湯婉孏 Improve the Accuracy of Implementation of Far-Infrared Therapy Instruments by Nursing Staff in the Subacute Respiratory Ward

提升嬰幼兒尿布性皮膚炎照護正確率 文/張瑞雲、陳怡汝、林昭君、呂基燕、鍾惠君、戴佳惠、鄭雅君 Improving the Accuracy of Caring for Infant with Diaper Dermatitis

一位中年男性再次中風之護理經驗 文/戴瑜慧、王維那 Nursing Experience of Caring for a Middle-Aged Male with a Second Stroke

運用治療性遊戲於一位燙傷學齡前期兒童之護理經驗 文/李昶均、邱麗櫻、盧幸茹 A Nursing Experience of Using Therapeutic Play with a Preschool Child with Scald Burn

一位成年中期雄性禿病人二次行植髮之手術全期護理經驗 文/郭佩芳、鄭碧芬、陳繪竹、王婇帆 Perioperative Nursing Experience of Caring for a Middle-Aged Adult Having Taken Hair Transplantation Surgery for the Second Time
