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「護你」的護病之情 Nursing with the Spirit of “All for You”  網頁瀏覽


再造有智慧的護理工程 文/賴寧生 Reengineering Nursing Profession with Intelligence  網頁瀏覽


養成樂活好習慣 文/章淑娟 Develop a Habit for Health and Sustainability  網頁瀏覽


當我成為「職醫」 文/葉昌明 When I Become a Doctor of Occupational Medicine  網頁瀏覽


從洗腎接錯管事件談病安通報文化 文/楊曉菁 Learn from Near Miss News Events to Promote Positive Cognitions of Patient-Safety Reporting system in Hospitals  網頁瀏覽


逗陣護健康 護理職業的身心疲勞檢測與健康促進 文/江欣虹 Nursing Staff Health Promotion: Maintain Physical and Psycosocial Health of Nurses to Prevent Occupational Hazards

精實護理 順應人體工學 文/胡宇娟、許慧英 Apply Ergonomics and Lean Nursing into Clinical Practice

全面預防職災 多方調節身心 文/王芷郁 Occupational Safety and Health Protection in OR

痛快!疼痛快快走 文/黃秀月 Cure My Chronic Occupational Pain

健康守門員 文/蔡牡丹 Staff Health Keeper

守護同仁健康到「晚」美 文/林欣怡 To Assist Hospital Staff Stay Healthy as Long as Possible


走出診間,進到人間 郭瑞敏 大林慈院骨科專科護理師 文/謝明芳 Walk out of Hospital to Cure the Needy – Jui-Min Kuo, Nurse Practitioner, Orthopedics Dept., Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital  網頁瀏覽


繞出捆綁自己的圈圈 文/徐立緣 Unleash Myself in Bondage of Confidence Breakdown  網頁瀏覽

撿回一個寶 文/吳蕙屏 Recruit an Unsuitable Nurse into a Capable One  網頁瀏覽


連他的心病一起治 文/鄭佩芬 Treat Him Well both Body and Mind  網頁瀏覽


無私的愛延續 文/蘇馨怡 Extend Selfless Love from Tzu Chi Volunteers to Patients and Families  網頁瀏覽


展現自信與驕傲 文/林劉文斌 Show My Confidence and Pride as a Male Nurse  網頁瀏覽


夾在各持己見的父女之間 文/程裕藍 Stuck in a Father-Daughter Conflict  網頁瀏覽

團隊呵護,體「有」完膚 文/蘇秀倫 Teamwork Healed a Pemphigus Grandma with Whole Body Wound  網頁瀏覽


標籤 文/李彥範 Labeling a Person  網頁瀏覽


探討加護病房護理人員工作負荷與逾時下班之關係─以南部某醫學中心為例 文/莊孟蓉、蔣佳綺、陳琮琳、賴昭翰 The Relationship Between Workload and Overtime in Intensive Care Unit Nurse - A Case Study of a Medical Center in Southern Taiwan

提升護理人員執行急重症病人轉入加護病房交接照護完整性 文/詹雅鈞、林月娥、洪玉敏、林素英、馮葶憶、田慧雯、洪巧玲 A Project to Enhance the Patient Transfer from Wards to ICU: A Completeness of Nursing Transfer Process

提升留置導尿管相關膀胱不適護理處置完整率 文/李彥錚、歐軒如、卓知穎、王琬詳 Improve Intact Rates of Nursing Interventions for Catheter-Related Bladder Discomforts

一位急性心肌梗塞復發合併心因性休克個案之急診護理經驗 文/李芳儀、賴琦琇 An Emergency Care Experience of a Patient with Recurrent Acute Myocardial Infarction Complicated by Cardiogenic Shock

運用性別友善概念照護一位反覆感染性病患者之經驗 文/胡馨方、陳遴鞠、王姮樺、陳繪竹 A Nursing Experience of Providing LGBT-Friendly Care for a Patient with Recurrent Sexually Transmitted Infection

照護一位初次罹患急性心肌梗塞病患之加護經驗 文/張麗君、胡真珍 An Intensive Care Nursing Experience of an Acute Myocardial Infarction Patient
