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愛心,用不完 Tzu Chi Love, Endless  網頁瀏覽


迎心傳愛修智慧 文/趙有誠 New Recruits Camp for Experiencing Tzu Chi Spirits and to Cultivate Life Wisdom  網頁瀏覽


行使生命自主權 文/章淑娟 Practice Life Autonomy  網頁瀏覽

【白袍 vs. 白衣】

愛看護理記錄的病房主任 文/蕭宗賢 As a Nursing Records Reading Lover Ward Chief  網頁瀏覽


父嬰袋鼠衣 爸爸的第一次親密接觸 文/吳孟寰、陳依琳、游雯欣 A Skin-to-Skin Kangaroo Care Short for a New Father  網頁瀏覽


從公共衛生護理師家訪遇刺談護理使命感 文/滕安娜 Discussion of Nursing Mission Statements Regarding an Incident of a Public Health RN Stabbed During a Home-Visit in Taiwan  網頁瀏覽


預約善終 談護理同仁對病人自主權利法的認知與準備 文/余翠翠 The Cognition and Preparation of Clinical Nursing Professionals for Patient Autonomy Act Implementation in Taiwan

推動全民生命教育 - 病人自主權利法 文/吳秋鳳 Promote Patient Autonomy Act for National Life Education

尊嚴留下最後身影 文/陳依琳 May Everyone’s End of Life in Dignity

善生善別 文/林雅惠 Good Birth and Fine Death

什麼時候要進行「預立醫療照護諮商」? 文/張恒嘉 When to Work on “Advance Care Planning”?


用心護肝 柯俐帆 臺北慈院門診肝病個案管理師 文/胡淑惠 Liver Health Guardian – Li-Fan Ko, RN, Hepatitis Case Manager, Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital  網頁瀏覽


找到自我 心安自在 文/李麗珠 Found the Real Me, Mind at Ease  網頁瀏覽

那杯難忘的咖啡 文/游雯欣 That Cup of Unforgettable Coffee  網頁瀏覽


守望相助的小螺絲釘 文/鐘淨昇 Work Like a Screw in a Team, Tiny but Crucial  網頁瀏覽


美少女戰士 文/陳淑娟 The Sailor Moon in My Mind  網頁瀏覽

堅強的女人 文/陳筠喬 A Strong Woman Facing Her Terminal Stage  網頁瀏覽


關懷入心的溫暖 文/黃致閔 The Heartfelt Warmth of Tzu Chi Volunteer Parents  網頁瀏覽


報告!我差點犯錯 口述/陳宥彤 Report My Near Miss to Head Nurse  網頁瀏覽

準備好才放手單飛 口述/何佩柔 You Can Work on Your Own When You’re Ready  網頁瀏覽


感謝信 Thank You Letter  網頁瀏覽


降低頭頸癌病人術後鼻胃管自拔率 文/郭楊卿、李彥範、曾貴萍、王琬詳 A Project to Reduce Rate of Deliberate Self-Extubation of Nasogastric Tube Among Postoperative Head and Neck Cancer Patients

降低內科病房血液檢體異常率 文/任育琪、俞佳彣、陳貴香、葉淑玲 Reducing the Incidence of Abnormal Blood Specimens in the Medical Ward

提升鼻部手術護理指導完整性專案 文/汪子平、劉珈麟、黃珮瑜、簡于芬 A Project to Improve Nursing Instruction Integrity in Nose Surgery

照護一位接受多次手術口腔癌患者之護理經驗 文/李秀芬 A Nursing Experience of an Oral Cancer Patient with Multiple Surgeries

照顧一位塵爆燒傷個案之加護經驗 文/鄭皓云 An ICU Nursing Experience of a Burn Patient in Dust Explosion

照顧一位青少年因車禍造成顱內出血術後之加護經驗 文/賴千惠、胡真珍 A Nursing Experience of a Postoperative Teenage Patient in Intensive Care Unit Suffering from Intracranial Hemorrhage due to Traffic Accident
