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愛心點滴匯入功德海 Love Drips into the Sea of Compassion Relief


慈濟人文的境與鏡 文/簡守信 The Environment Education and Reflection of Tzu Chi Humanities


慈濟人文寬廣護理心靈 遼闊護理照護 文/張梅芳 Tzu Chi Humanistic Culture Broadens the Spirits and the Health Care Quality of Nursing Professionals

【白袍 vs. 白衣】

幸福搖籃的推手 文/鍾佩穎 Nurses Are the Pushers of the Cradle of Happiness


惜福感恩道幸福 淺談慈濟人文活動對護理照護的影響 文/劉宣瑢、王怡雯 A Discussion About the Influences of Tzu Chi Activities to Tzu Chi Nurses' Clinical Practices

感恩知足 大福大富 文/廖怡婷 Gratitude & Contentment Brings Blessing & Bliss

付出同理不心急 文/陳品瑄 Nursing Care with Sympathy


愛他,尊重他拔管的決定 文/陳諭萱 Respect the Patient's Will to Remove Endotracheal Tube

她聽見了這個世界 文/楊釉亘 The Little Girl Hears this World


如暖泉的傷口護理能手 王鈺涵 臺中慈院7B病房護理師 文/柯渝菱、曾秀英 Specialized in Wound Care & Wishing to Be Others' Healing Spring–Yu-Han Wang, RN of 7B Ward, Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital


穿梭心蓮送溫情 文/連羿婷 Thank You, Palliative Care Lotus Ward Tzu Chi Parents


急診高強度考驗 文/林嘉韋 My Work in High-Intensity ER


挑戰新專業 意外後的突破與成長 文/陳湘菱 Challenging New Profession, Break Through After Injured Accidents

資深的洗腎室菜鳥相遇 文/黃湘嵐 Two Senior Nurses But Dialysis Room Rookies Meet


平凡護理師的不平凡日常 文/吳宜欣 The Extraordinary Daily Life of an Ordinary Nurse

晴天娃娃 文/楊舒婷 Sunny Doll

想念阿嬤 文/郭佩蓉 Miss My Grandma


加護病房醫療廢棄物減量之改善專案 文/張佳雯、陳孝玲、陳秋婷、蔣玉滿、湯婉孏、唐玉香 Improvement Project to Reduce Medical Waste in Intensive Care Unit

一位食道癌末期併氣管食道廔管個案之重症照護 文/陳陶霈瑜、葉惠玲 Critical Care for a Patient with End-Stage Esophageal Cancer Complicated by Tracheoesophageal Fistula

一位縱膈腔卵黃囊瘤末期青年之護理經驗 文/王偉靜、楊淑慧 The Nursing Experience of a Young Adult with Mediastinal Yolk Sac Tumor at Terminal Stage

新冠肺炎疫情期間運用安寧照護於一位乳癌末期病人的護理經驗 文/林佩真、簡翠薇、陳依琳 Nursing Experience in Providing Hospice Care for a Patient with Terminal Stage Breast Cancer during the COVID-19 Pandemic

運用醫病共享決策照顧一位慢性阻塞性肺病病人之急診護理經驗 文/張庭、邱秀娟 Experience in Nursing:Using Shared Decision-Making on a Patient with COPD at Emergency Room

一位急性心肌梗塞併心因性休克中年病人撤除維生醫療決策之護理經驗 文/翁于茜、林荷璇、趙心瑜、陳幸眉、蘇淑貞 Nursing Experience of Withdrawing Life Support from a Middle-Aged Patient with Cardiogenic Shock
