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穩固的醫病情 Stable Relationship Between Medical Professionals and Patients


愛如春風,在醫院的每個角落 文/林欣榮 Love Is Like Spring Breeze, in Every Corner of the Hospital


愛善循環,因緣不思議 文/鍾惠君 The Incredible Cycle of Love & Kindness

【白袍 vs. 白衣】

亦師亦友的護理師 文/王健豪 Nurses as a Teacher and a Friend to a Doctor


畫出全人照護 慈濟護理人形圖案例報告10年應用經驗 文/王淑貞 Humanoid Diagram for Holistic Care

人形圖為護病升溫 文/蘇筱雅 Humanoid Figure Raises the Stakes in Nursing Care

畫筆下的人生篇章 文/黃子芸、卓雅婷 Chapters of Life Under the Brush

人形圖報告 展現護理實力 文/陳巧菱 Humanoid Diagram Case Report Presents Nursing Profession


糖尿病病人的健康推手 王懿萱 花蓮慈院糖尿病人保健推廣中心個管師 文/林芷儀 Health Promoter for Diabetic Patients–Yi-Hsuan Wang, RN, Case Manager, Diabetes Health Promotion Center, Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital


保護自己,向外求援 文/彭宣燕 Protect Myself and Seek Help from the Team

反思覺察 優化護理 文/江如萍 Reflect on Awareness and Optimize Nursing Care


最後一哩的幸福陪伴 文/陳純純 The Last Mile of Companionship


感受自己的護理天分 文/李芳瑜 Feel My Nursing Talent


在急診的志工身影 文/陸家宜 Volunteers in the Emergency Room

盼來志工回歸 文/蕭琦諭 Welcome Volunteers Back to ER


多元文化敘事力─慈悲與關懷於健康照護之實踐(上) 講演者/胡文郁主任 Multicultural Narrative Power - Compassion and Caring in the Practice of Health Care (Part 1)


專師的職人護理心 文/張逢展 The Caring Heart of a Male Nurse Practitioner in Thoracic Medicine


多媒體護理指導對住院中精神科病患提升戒菸認知、健康信念與自我效能成效之探討 /呂桂鳳、張婉柔、古祐寧、賴姿樺 The Effectiveness of Multimedia Nursing Guidance on Enhancing Smoking Cessation Knowledge, Health Beliefs, and Self-Efficacy Among Hospitalized Psychiatric Patients

提升COVID-19疫苗接種作業執行正確性之專案 /陳怡心、施宜君、劉雅文、陳玉麗 A Project to Improve the Accuracy of COVID-19 Vaccination Operarions

跨團隊整合照護末期腎病個案心靈安適之經驗 /陳怡穎、林帝芬、朱怡蓁 The Experience of Interprofessional Collaborative Practice for Endstage Renal Disease Patient with Spiritual Wellness

新冠肺炎重症病人隔離期間重建復原力之照護經驗 /蔡依辰、盧淑芬、金淑儀、尚婉明、連如玉 Nursing Experience in Rebuilding Resilience of a Critically Ill Patient with COVID-19 During Isolation in Care Unit

一位食道切除個案再次重建之手術全期護理經驗 /史紋綺、林春珍 Perioperative Nursing Experience of Esophageal Reconstruction After Esophageal Resection
