




善護陪伴度病苦 Accompany the Sick to Get Through Suffering ■ / Dharma Master Cheng Yen


行四弘願 誓為護理 Devoted in Nursing with Four Great Vows ■文 / 莊淑婷 Shu-Ting Chuang


人文連鎖效應 Chain Reaction of Humanity ■文 / 賴惠玲 Hui-Ling Lai

【白袍 vs. 白衣】

繼續努力的夥伴 Partners for Devotion in Medicine ■文 / 陳立修 Li-Hsiou Chen


見義勇為需智慧 路邊急救為醫護天職? To Do First Aid Wisely – Nurses Voluntarily Aid Outside the Hospitals Like Good Samaritans ■文 / 范姜玉珍、楊慧貞 Yu-Chen Fan Chiang, Hui-Chen Yang


搶救一瞬間 談急救能力與經驗 About First Aid Ability and Experiences of Nursing Professionals ■文 / 李玉茹、王怡婷 Yu-Ru Li, Yi-Ting Wang

生命徵象守護者 Life Signs Guardian ■文 / 陳思羽 Si-Yu Chen

像救家人一樣 Saving Life as My Own Family ■文 / 林郁瀅 Yu-Ying Lin

急救小兒 希望有愛 Bring Hope to Saving Babies ■文 / 陳莉琳 Li-Lin Chen

察顏觀色 待命搶救 Always Standby for Life-saving ■文 / 徐夢珣 Meng-Hsun Hsu


璞玉佳人 林佳玲 臺中慈院神經外病房護理師 As Professional as Polished Jade - A Profile of Chia-Ling Lin, Registered Nurse of Neurosurgery Ward, Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital ■文 / 古若萍、鄭莞臻 Ruo-Ping Gu, Wan-Zhen Zheng


職涯遇貴人 Helpers in One’s Nursing Career ■編輯 / 范姜玉珍 Edited by Yu-Chen Fan Chiang

菜鳥守護者 Thanks to the Instructors in my Freshman Period ■文 / 沈玉娟 Yu-Juan Shen

病友的愛 Love from Dialysis Patients ■文 / 余芳維 Fang-Wei Yu

與年輕一代齊成長 Learn from the Young Generation ■文 / 王佳玲 Jia-Ling Wang


愛妻的製鞋師傅 A Shoe Maker Shows His Love to Wife ■文 / 何玉萍 Yu-Ping Ho


戰勝心魔的成長 Conquer My Demon in Mind ■文 / 劉少雯 Shau-Wun Liu

細節盡顯專業 Profession Hidden in the Details ■文 / 謝珮琪 Pei-Chi Hsieh

我的慈濟緣 My Karmic Affinity with Tzu Chi ■文 / 陳瑋芝 Wei-Chih Chen


多做一點的典範 Tzu Chi Volunteers as Examples of “One More Mile” ■文 / 江琤翎 Cheng-Ling Chiang


細心的護師先生 An Attentive Mr. Nurse ■文 / 鄭舜鴻 Shun-Hung Cheng


青少年復原力概念分析:以第1型糖尿病青少年為例 Concept Analysis of Resilience in Adolescence: A Case of Adolescent with Type 1 Diabetes ■ 文 / 唐善美、王瑞霞、Diane Berry、陳美芳 / Shan-Mei Tang, Ruey-Hsia Wang, Diane Berry, Mei-Fang Chen

實證老人規律運動衛教指引發展 Development of an Evidence-Based Health Education Recommendation for Improving Physical Activity in Older People ■ 文 / 李玲玲、陳妙星、張淑琴、邱郁耘 / Ling-Ling Lee, Miao-Hsing Chen, Shu-Chin Chang, Yu-Yun Chiu

急診外傷病人護理指導之改善專案 A Study for Improving the Nursing Instruction of Emergency Trauma Patients ■ 文 / 鄧湘君、吳家麗、李惠珍、趙慧玲 / Hsian-Chun Teng, Ka-Lai Wu, Hung- Jane Lee, Hui-Lin Chao

運用羅氏適應模式於一位喉癌病人之護理經驗 A Nursing Experience of Applying Roy’s Adaptation Model to a Patient with Laryngeal Cancer ■ 文 / 莊琍麟、柯幸芳、包世芳 / Li-Lin Chuang, Hsing-Fang Ko, Shi-Fang Pai

照護一位腿部創傷併發急性腔室症候群個案之護理經驗 A Nursing Experience of a Patient with Fractured Thigh Complicated By Posttraumatic Acute Compartment Syndrome ■ 文 / 陳姝娟、林美蓮 / Shu-Chuan Chen, Mei- Lien Lin

一位K他命膀胱炎個案之手術全期護理 Perioperative Nursing Experience with a Patient with Ketamine Cystitis ■ 文 / 楊曜蓮、藍詩婷、葉惠玲 / Yao-Lian Yang, Shi-Ting Lan, Hui-Ling Yeh

