





守護 Mountain Villagers Guardians ■文/ 林碧玉/Pi-Yu Lin


作一個被需要的人 Be a Person to be Needed ■文/ 林欣榮/Shinn-Zong Lin


隱藏的榮耀 Unrevealed Glory ■文/ 賴惠玲/Hui-Ling Lai

【白袍 vs.白衣】  

山谷白衣 榮耀不褪 Glory of White Angels in the Mountain Villages Remains ■文/ 張玉麟/Yuh -Ling Chang

我們的家與兄弟姊妹 Brothers and Sisters in Yuli, Our Home ■文/ 詹文宗/James Jan  

關山白衣默默付出 Silent Devotion in Kuahshan Township ■文/ 潘永謙/Wing-Him Poon  

加油吧!幼幼天使 Young Angels Go Go Go ■文/ 丘昭蓉/Chao-Jong Chiu

【新知 & 創新】

交班用心 病人安心 ——改善交接病人之溝通與安全 Improve the Effectiveness of Communication among Caregivers ■文/ 王琬詳/Wan-Hsiang Wang  

電腦評量提升護理品質 Using Software to Advance Nursing Quality ■文/ 張志芳/Chi-Fang Chang


小鎮天使情-玉里關山慈院護理 Angels in the Remote Mountain Villages-- Tzu Chi Nurses in Yuli and Kuanshan Townships ■文/ 陶霈瑜/Pey-Yu Tao  

因為愛一直閃亮 Love Will Keep Shining ■文/ 林靜雯/Chin-Wen Lin  

菜鳥變老兵 A Greenhorn Turned to be a Professional ■文/ 林雪鳳/Hsieu-Fong Lin

回鄉付出 幸福豐富 Serve My Hometown, Happy and Fruitful ■文/ 林秀琴/Hsiu-Chin Lin

玉里拾回護理情 Gain Back Nursing Career in Yuli ■文/ 郭雅萍/Ya-Ping Kuo  

關山好所在 Kuanshan, What a Good Place ■文/ 吳淑蘋/Hsu-Ping Wu


摯愛護理 退而不休 ——側寫呂照督導 Restless Retiree – Profile of Supervisor Chao Lu ■文/ 蘇雅慧/Ya-Hui Su


擺脫呼吸器的小育 Got Rid of a Respirator ■文/ 江惠莉/Hui-Li Chiang


最美麗的身影——門診化療中心志工李秀英 Sister Lee in the Chemo-therapy Clinic ■文/ 張書香、許佳燕/Hsu-Hsiang Chang, Chia-Yen Hsu


護理這條路 The Track in Nursing ■編輯/ 章淑娟、葉秀真/Edited by Shu-Chuan Chang, Hsiu-Jen Yeh  

之一 看見自己 志為護理 See Through Myself, Vowed to be a Good Nursing Professional ■文/ 陳品貝/Ping-Pei Chen

之二 許一個護理的未來 Wish Nursing a Future of Hope ■文/ 羅淑芬/Shu-Fen Lo  

之三 生涯規劃隨順因緣 Career Planning, Follow the Cause ■文/ 章淑娟/Shu-Chuan Chang


圈出健康 ——第四屆品管圈花絮 Improve the Effectiveness of Communication among Caregivers ■文/ 王長禱/Chang-Tao Wang  

走入社區 傳播愛 Walk into the Community to Spread Love ■文/ 林淑緩/Shwn-Hoan Lin

寶貝教會我珍惜 My Baby Taught me to Cherish ■文/ 張育婷/Yu-Ting Chang


中醫舌診介紹 Introduction of the Tongue Diagnosis of Traditional Chinese Medicine ■文/ 沈淑敏.葉美玲/Shwu-Miin Sheen, Mei-Ling Yeh

社區篩檢婦女骨盆底肌力與骨盆底肌肉運動的知識、態度、行為之研究 Knowledge, Attitudes and Behavior of Women Participating in Community Screening towards Pelvic Floor Muscle Strength Exercise ■文/ 高夏子.張芙美.蔡娟秀.高靜懿 / Hsia-Tzu Kao, Fwu- Mei, Chang, Chuan-Hsiu Tsai, Ching-Yi Kao

護理系學生參與結核病患短程直接觀察療法可行性之初探 An exploration of the supervision by student nurses of the use of Directly Observed Treatment, Short- Course (DOTs) for Tuberculosis Patients ■文/ 張玉婷.羅淑芬.施仁興.徐瑛珠 / Yu-Ting Chang, Shu-Fen Lo, Jen-Hsing Shih, Ying-Ju Shiu

開胸術後病患執行誘導性肺計量器之改善方案 Improving Training Compliance after a Chest Operation in an Intensive Care Unit ■文/ 黃秀霖.曹嘉珞.翁麗真.鍾淑媛 /Hsiu-lin Huang, Chia-lo Tsao, Li-chen Weng, Shwu-yuan Jong

一位紅斑性狼瘡合併細菌性關節炎患者之護理經驗 Nursing Experience of a Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Combining Septic Arthritis ■文/ 蔡玉屏.鄭麗娟/Yu-ping Tsai, Li-chuan Cheng

一位顱內出血病患術後於加護病房之護理經驗 Nursing Experience of Caring a Patient with Intracranial Hemorrhage Post Craniotomy in ICU ■文/ 張瑞燕/Jui-Yen Chang

一位頸椎退化性關節疾病年輕患者之護理經驗 Nursing Experience of Caring a Young Patient with Degenerative Joint Disease of Cervical spine ■文/ 徐淑雲/Shu-Yun Hsu 

