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歷史可鑑人醫足跡 Look Back on Tzu Chi Medical History and Look Forward to Passing on Humanistic Spirits  網頁瀏覽


打開心靈之門 自覺愛的力量 文/趙有誠 Through the Newcomers Camp to Enrich Spiritual Strength and Be Dedicated in Nursing Profession  網頁瀏覽


變革與創新 慈悲心為源頭 文/章淑娟 Transformation & Innovation, Provoked by Compassion and Loving-Kindness  網頁瀏覽

【白袍 vs. 白衣】

擬真訓練 精進教學 文/陳玉龍 The Endeavor of Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital’s Simulation Teaching Team  網頁瀏覽


立體繪本 -- 我是小護士 文/游雯欣 The Little-Nurse Pop-Up Picture Books for Children’s Health Care  網頁瀏覽


教學玩創意 創意教學於護理臨床實務運用 文/陳依琳 Multiple Creative Teaching Implementation in Clinical Nursing Education

組合創意教胸腔護理 文/鍾瑞瑛 Compositive Teaching Strategy in Thoracic Ward

頸脊救援 一氣呵成 -- 頸椎保護術創意教學 文/李麗珠 Creative Teaching Modules for Cervical Spine Protection Technique

圖像聯想 口訣記憶 -- 創意教學之腦力「肌」盪 文/蕭淑嫺 Image & Slogan Memorizing Tools for Muscle Power Evaluation


幸福護理 一生志業 陳曉玫 臺北慈院婦產科病房護理長 文/許嫚真、廖唯晴 Take Nursing as a Blissful Life Mission – Hsiao-Mei Chen, Head Nurse, Obstetrics & Gynecology Ward, Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital  網頁瀏覽


轉念,當一小盞希望明燈 口述/黃馨瑤 Mind Changing to Be a Little Light of Hope for Patients  網頁瀏覽

傳承經驗與心法 文/林孟儒 Pass on Experiences and Mindset to the Newcomers  網頁瀏覽


新手入行 文/劉又寬 A Novice Male Nurse in Palliative Care Ward  網頁瀏覽


創業轉折回歸護理專業 文/王乃立 Dropped Out & Coming Back with Realization in Nursing Profession  網頁瀏覽

感受護理的廣闊世界 文/蘇郁心 Switch Nursing Departments to Cumulative Versatile Abilities  網頁瀏覽


心蓮安寧 志工伴行 文/王政芬 Thank Heart Lotus Volunteers for Palliative Care Support  網頁瀏覽


幸福最真實的模樣 文/周佩萱 Witness What Real Happiness Is About  網頁瀏覽

那一天三個人的眼淚 文/朱濟廷 The Tears from that Three Persons that Day  網頁瀏覽


感謝信 Thank You Letter



比較床上沐浴方式對於重症病人體溫及心跳之影響:前驅試驗 文/戴佳惠、尤麗瑜、徐菡妤、盧佳文、陳惠蘭 Comparison of Body Temperature and Heart Rate Variations Between Two Bed Bathing Practices for Critically Ill Patients: A Pilot Study

造口周圍潮濕相關皮膚損傷評估與預防處置策略 文/徐小惠、吳宥霖、許美玉 Prevention and Management of Moisture-Associated Peristomal Skin Damage

提升護理人員執行新生兒篩檢之正確率 文/曾慈敏、莊永惠、謝家君、蔡文欣、黃小萍、楊岳璇 A Project to Improve the Accuracy of Nursing Staff Performing Newborn Screening

提升心臟加護護理人員執行生理監視器參數設定之正確率 文/洪玉敏、江金英、黃暐茹、莊月娥 Improving the Accuracy of Monitor Settings in a Cardiac ICU

降低某醫學中心新進護理人員3 個月離職率 文/張麗君、謝惠琪、黃麗卿 Reducing the 3-month Turnover Rate of New Nursing Staff in a Medical Center

協助一位初次罹患直腸癌病人學習自我照護腸造廔口之護理經驗 文/蔡月芬、許淑瑜、楊雨欣 Nursing Experience of a Patient with Newly Diagnosed Rectal Cancer Learning Self-Care of Colostomy
