志為護理第二十一卷三期-【友善衛教 易懂易執行】談護理指導教材的使用與創新經驗


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勇做「斯人」擔大任 Undertake the Mission of Safeguarding Health & Saving Life During the COVID-19 Pandemic


扛住疫情考驗的醫學及護理教育 文/陳宗鷹 Tzu Chi Medical & Nursing Education Adjustments Under COVID-19 Pandemic in Taiwan


重複學習的力量 文/彭台珠 The Power of Repetition in Learning

【白袍 vs. 白衣】

同穿一身白,相互扶持的好夥伴 文/廖家麟 Doctors & Nurses To Be Good Partners Wearing White


友善衛教 易懂易執行 談護理指導教材的使用與創新經驗 文/林玉娟 Friendly Health Education Materials On the Experiences of Using Health Literacy Materials

讀懂心導管檢查 護心就不難 冠心病衛教手冊識讀性檢測經驗分享 文/謝美玲 CAD Health Education Manual Readability Test Experiences

回覆示教 培養衛教溝通力 談兒科護理學課程導入健康識能之教學經驗 文/張美娟 About Teaching Experiences of Introducing Health Knowledge into Pediatric Nursing Courses

設計個別化專屬衛教單的腦力激盪 文/李彥範 Tailor-Made Education Materials Brain-Storming Class

照著吃遠離糖尿病的低GI菜單 文/郭仲軒 Low GI Menu for Diabetes Patients

很實證的衛教菜單 文/林曼筠 Evidence-Based Designed Menu


踏實耕耘護理路 鍾幸玲 花蓮慈濟醫院五東病房護理師 文/林芷儀 Solid Practice on Every Step in Nursing Xing-Ling Zhong, RN of 5 East Ward, Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital


往救人的路上前進 文/蔡承洵 Going Forward in the Career of Saving Life

學生的積極是老師的小確幸 文/江錦玲 The Aggressiveness of a Student Brings Happiness to a Teacher


重症護理的緣分 文/歐佩茹 My Fate to Be an ICU Nurse


安定異鄉心 文/黨宜琪 As a Student from Malaysia, Thanks Volunteer Parents Settle My Homesick


不放棄,就有希望 文/沈姿杏 Don’t Give Up, There’s Always Hope


護理領導人的人才培育 講者/黃璉華 The Cultivation of Nursing Leadership


運用多元策略提升護理人員對癌症病人執行心理痛苦溫度計評估正確率 文/朱湘婷、江婉華、康婷媛、陳怡霙、李奇紋、湯婉孏 Multiple Strategies to Improve the Assessment Accuracy of Nursing Staff in Using the Psychological Distress Thermometer

提升壓力性損傷傷口照護正確率 文/張祐菊、黃心沛、施佳君、簡伶育、許瀚仁、李怡濃 Improving the Accuracy of Pressure Injury Management

降低胸腔科病人呼吸困難程度之改善方案 文/李妍慧、楊雨蓁、徐孟婷、劉佩華、陳貴香、吳偉芬、賴秋芳、林素英 Improvement Plan to Reduce the Degree of Dyspnea of Thoracic Patients

運用Swanson關懷理論照護一位接受冠狀動脈繞道病人之照護經驗 文/李垣漢、許翠華 Care Experience of Adopting Swanson’s Caring Theory for a Patient Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass

照顧一位電灼傷個案之加護經驗 文/鐘珮真、趙紀硯 Intensive Nursing Experience of Care for an Electrical Burn Patient

照顧一位行納式手術個案之照護經驗 文/唐如昕、賴昱伶、林芷伃 Nursing Experience in Caring for a Patient Undergoing Nuss Surgical Procedure
