志為護理第二十一卷二期-【微笑溝通 綻放自信】關於臨床溝通表達困難情境與能力提升的探討


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集合微光照苦難 Gathering Flashes All Over the World to Light Up the Sufferings in the Dark


會笑的眼睛 溝通便利通 文/簡守信 Smiling Eyes Make Communication Easier


護理賦能 笑看人生 文/張梅芳 Empowerment Helps Nursing Professionals Live a Meaningful Life with Joy

【白袍 vs. 白衣】

護理,無與倫比的專業與榮耀 文/郭啟中 The Utmost Respect to Nurses


微笑溝通 綻放自信 關於臨床溝通表達困難情境與能力提升的探討 文/范姜玉珍、馮雅鈴 A Discussion About Difficulty Communicating Encounters and Communication Skills Enhancement for Nurses with Patients and Their Families in Clinical Practice

不畏強勢,理直氣和的表達 文/何欣芸 No Fear to Patients/Family Bullying and Remain Soft-Spoken and Forgiving

內向也能自信溝通 文/邱雪萍 An Introverted Nurse Can Interact Well with Patients

說出該放手的決定 文/洪翊珊 Suggest the Letting-Go Decision to Patients’ Families


化遺憾為護理動力 余映瑱 臺中慈院7A病房護理師 文/周侶均、曾秀英 Put Regrets into Motivation in Nursing Career


別急,給自己時間 文/盧映寧 No Rush, Leave Some Time for Yourself

區分輕重緩急,按部就班 文/柯渝菱 Do Clinical Work in Order of Priority


守護健康,神采肺揚 肺阻塞團隊獲認證 文/黃淑雯 Earned COPD Care Certification by JCT

為開刀房帶來溫暖 文/鄭雅鎂 Bring Warmth to OR


不再怕抽痰的畢業證書 文/王佳玲 No Fear of Sputum Suction Diploma


疫外的幸福滋味 文/李慧美 The Taste of Bliss from Volunteers in the COVID-19 Pandemic


病房裡的爺爺奶奶 文/巫信賢 Patients as Grand Parents in Our Ward


心靈的小小檢修站 文/施有聯 The Psychiatric Ward as a Little Checkpoint for the Mind


提升使用ECMO 病人轉送檢查前置準備完整性 文/楊斐茹、吳雅慧、黃慧玲、陳春香、湯婉孏 An Improvement Project for Preprocessing Completeness Before Transferring Patients Using Extra Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation

降低內科病房白班人員延遲下班之改善專案 文/簡郁芬、陳雅惠、王雪兒、陳淑純、陳美華 A Project to Improve Medical Ward Nurses Daytime Working Overtime

降低外科加護病房胸管安全照護錯誤率 文/蘇筱雅、彭淑敏、彭千瑛、趙紀硯、王琬詳 A Project to Reduce the Incomplete Rate of Chest Tube Safety Care in Surgical Intensive Care Unit

照護一位高齡腦中風病人之護理經驗 文/鍾依靜、林麗芬、趙詩婷 Nursing Experience of Caring for an Elderly Brain Stroke Patient

照護一位脊髓星形細胞瘤併發急性呼吸衰竭病人預立醫療決策之護理經驗 文/李慧玲、吳春桂 Nursing Experience in Patient Care and Autonomous Advance Decision Making With a Patient of Spinal Astrocytoma Complicated With Acute Respiratory Failure

運用正念療法照護一位憂鬱症病人之護理經驗 文/呂桂鳳、黃玉婷、曾秀月 Use of Mindfulness Therapy in the Care for a Depressed Patient
