




創造生命平等的醫療環境 Create an Equality-of-life Medical Environment ■ / Dharma Master Cheng Yen


有感的醫療 Medical Care with Warmth ■文 / 賴寧生 Ning-Sheng Lai


心富就幸福 Constructing the Future of Nursing ■文 / 賴惠玲 Hui-Ling Lai

【白袍 vs. 白衣】

親切的鄉下護理師 Delightful Nursing Professionals in the Suburbs ■口述 / 曹汶龍 編輯 / 廖慧燕 Dr. Wen-Long Tsao, Edited by Hui-Yen Liao


誰該來搶救? 談急診室外的急救責任歸屬與社會觀感 Who Should Act to Rescue? – About the Responsibility and Social Value Towards Emergency Rescue Outside a Hospital ER ■文 / 楊曉菁、林興隆、曾慶方 Hsiao-Ching Yang, Hsing-Long Lin, Ching-Fang Tseng


發現幸福 護理福利措施調查 A Survey about Fringe Benefits of the Hospitals ■文 / 廖慧燕、楊曉菁 Hui-Yen Liao, Hsiao-Ching Yang

幸福咖啡 Happy Café in Our Hospital ■文 / 林甄卉 Chen-Huei Lin

田間樂 The Joy of Being a Part-time Peasant ■文 / 李春雅 Chun-Ya Lee

一手好排 Volleyball Club ■文 / 林美伶 Mei-Ling Lin

放心託幼 Trust-worthy Preschool Day-Care Center ■文 / 李佳純 Chia-Chun Lee

蕙質蘭心 Humanistic Club ■文 / 廖慧燕 Hui-Yen Liao

溫馨家聚 Heart-felt Volunteer Parents in Hospital ■文 / 陳秀萍 Shiu-Ping Chen

心靈饗宴 Spiritual Enhancement Lectures ■文 / 洪阿淑 A-Shu Hung


柔韌圓滿 黃雪莉 大林慈濟醫院護理部主任 Be Soft and Subtle to Perfection - Hsueh-Li Huang, Director of Nursing Dept., Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital ■文 / 謝明芳 Ming-Fang Hsieh


關鍵第一年 The First Year of Clinical Practice ■編輯 / 廖慧燕 Edited by Hui-Yen Liao

絕對不裝懂 Don’t Ever Pretend to Understand ■文 / 郭俐婷 Li-Ting Kuo

調整自己,經驗學習 Adjust Myself to Learn from Experience ■文 / 張筑娟 Chu-Chuang Chang


擁抱汗水與淚水的幸福 Sweat and Tears Accumulated My Accomplishment ■文 / 郭仁哲 Jen-Che Kuo


歌王的孝順兒子 The Singing King’s Filial Son ■文 / 程裕藍 Yu-Lan Chen


同仁的定心丸 Volunteers, Heart Tranquilizers to Colleagues ■文 / 吳蕙屏、楊曉菁 編輯 / 黃小娟 Hui-Ping Wu, Hsiao-Ching Yang, Edited by Hsiao-Chuan Huang


環保氣液兩用N-G引流瓶 Recycling N-G Free Drain Bottle for Gas and Liquid ■文 / 陳靜享 Ching-Hsiang Chen


問緣問心 Sutra Song “Karmic Cause” Reflection ■文 / 陳迎蓁 Ying-Chen Chen

愛上手語演繹 Fall in Love with Tzu Chi’s Sign Language Musical Performance ■文 / 洪美玲 Mei-Ling Hung

許願樹 Our Ward’s Wishing Tree ■文 / 陳秀萍 Shiu-Ping Chen


老年人骨質疏鬆症之預防及護理 Prevention and Care of Osteoporosis in the Elderly ■ 文 / 林詩淳、辜美安、陳妙文、蔡坤維 / Shih-Chun Lin, Malcolm Koo, Miao-Wen Chen, Kun-Wei Tsai

薄井坦子全人照護模式用於培育「以病人為中心」護理概念教學之初探 A Preliminary Study of Cultivating the Concept of "Patient-Centered" Nursing: Using Hiroko Usui Holistic Care Model ■ 文 / 蔡慧燕、羅宜姍、周儀婷、陳淑月 / Hui-Yen Tsai, Yi-Shan Lo, Yi-Ting Jou, Shu-Yueh Chen

提升嬰幼兒家屬對預防接種滿意度 Improve Family's Satisfaction with the Childhood Immunization Process ■ 文 / 馮蕙麗、蔡寶慧、劉淑霞、湛智惠、駱淑惠 / Hui-Li Feng, Pao-Hui Tsai, Shu-Hsia Liu, Chih-Hui Chan, Shu-Hui Lo

照顧一位主動脈剝離術後併缺血性腸壞死個案之護理經驗 A Postoperative Nursing Experience of a Patient with Aortic Dissection Postoperative and Ischemic Bowel Disease ■ 文 / 黃湘玲、洪玉龍、葉惠玲 / Xiang-Ling Huang, Yu-Long Hong, Hui-Ling Yeh

運用Swanson關懷照護理論於一位藥癮婦女感染心內膜炎之照護經驗 A Nursing Experience of Applying Swanson's Caring Theory to a Woman Suffering from Infective Endocarditis Due to Drug Abuse ■ 文 / 蔡曉婷、周汎澔 / Shiau-Ting Tsai, Fan-Hao Chou

協助一位青少年接受罹患第一型糖尿病之護理經驗 The Nursing Experience of Assisting an Adolescent with Type I Diabetes Mellitus to Accept the Diagnosis ■ 文 / 黃蕙茹、徐少慧 / Hui-Ju Huang, Shao-Hui Shu


