




明月照路護人間 Work with Compassion as Moon Shines  網頁瀏覽


回歸醫療核心價值 慧命成長永續不朽 文/賴寧生 Medical Profession Redeems to its Core Value of Devotion and Life Wisdom Grows  網頁瀏覽


多做多學 多得多悟 文/賴惠玲 Work and Leisure in Balance  網頁瀏覽

【白袍 vs. 白衣】

教學相長 守護重症 文/陳信均 Intensive Care, Learn from Nurses  網頁瀏覽


在地老化 長照輕安 文/楊曉菁、劉秋滿 Community Long-Term Day Care for the Elderly  網頁瀏覽


下班後 護理的興趣與休閒 文/楊曉菁

塑形舒壓 文/李春雅 Clay Charms Refresh My Life

美食愛分享 文/劉英美 Learn to Cook and Love to Share

球員變裁判 文/林美伶 A Volleyball Referee

別出心裁 文/林千儷 Sewing Interests

自學手作增美好 文/邱雅媚 Handmade Craft to Make Life Better


一輩子的朋友 邱沛淇 大林慈院腹膜透析室護理師 文/謝明芳 Be Patients’ Friend Always - A Profile of Pei-Chi Chiu, Registered Nurse in CAPD Room, Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital  網頁瀏覽

護理到宅傳溫情 大林慈院居家護理師群像 文/謝明芳 Home Care Nurses at Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital  網頁瀏覽


找回三代同堂的家 文/邱麗美 Got Back the Atmosphere as Three Generations Under One Roof  網頁瀏覽

年輕的勇者,媽媽的大愛 文/楊曉菁 A Young Life’s Great Giving  網頁瀏覽


好心肝爸爸 文/陳秀萍 Baking Cake with Blessing  網頁瀏覽


口罩下的笑臉 文/田哲聞 Smile Under the Mask  網頁瀏覽


哥德堡的奇幻旅程 文/蕭伊祐 A Fancy Trip to Gothenburg  網頁瀏覽

論文寫作勇突破 文/林詩淳 Break Through to Finish Essays  網頁瀏覽


蔬食因緣 編輯/廖慧燕 Vegetarian Diet Causes  網頁瀏覽

瘦身美容新妙方 文/郭仁哲 Vegetarian Diet Brings Good Shape  網頁瀏覽

靜心少欲心祥和 文/廖盈謹 Turn Vegetarian and Desire Less  網頁瀏覽

護生不肉食 文/吳家瑩 No Meat to Protect Animals  網頁瀏覽


預防住院高齡者身體功能衰退之臨床運動方案 黃楷雯、胡芳文、張家銘、陳清惠 Exercise Management Program in Prevention of Functional Decline in Hospitalized Elderly Patients: An Evidence-Based Approach / Kai-Wen Huang, Fang-Wen Hu, Chia-Ming Chang, Ching-Huey Chen

肺癌新診斷病人非計劃性入院及預測相關因素之探討 張麗蓉、陳雅智、謝宗成、黃彥晴 Predictors of Unplanned Rehospitalizations Among Patients with Newly Diagnosed Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) / Li-Jung Chang, Yea-Jyh Chen, Tsung-Cheng Hsieh, Yen-Ching Huang

運用 Watson 關懷理論合併園藝活動照護一位老人憂鬱症患者之經驗 劉佳萍、江國誠、陸秀芳 Integrating Watson's Theory of Human Care with Gardening Activities: A Nursing Experience of an Elderly Patient with Depression / Chia-Pin Liu, Gwo-Cheng Chiang, Shiou-Fang Lu

一位機械手臂微創冠狀動脈繞道術病人之手術全期護理經驗 陳詠真、莊燕妹、林宥均、任秀如 Perioperative Nursing Experience of a Patient Who Underwent Robotic-Assisted Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting / Yung-Chen Chen, Yen-Mei Chuan, Yu-Chun Lin , Hsiu-Ju Jen

照護一位外籍配偶遭受家庭暴力之急診護理經驗 蔡宜秀、郭佳薰、許翠華 An Emergency Nursing Experience of a Foreign Spouse suffering Domestic Violence / Yi-Hsiu Tsai, Jia-Shun Kuo, Tsui-Hua Hsu


