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真誠膚慰,虔誠祈禱 Comfort and Pray with Sincerity  網頁瀏覽


心之所向 身之所往 文/簡守信 Where the Heart Goes, the Body Takes Action  網頁瀏覽


感恩承擔 提升護理續航力 文/張梅芳 Shoulder Our Life-Guarding Mission, Shine in Nursing Profession  網頁瀏覽

【白袍 vs. 白衣】

心蓮護理,溫暖靠山 文/林佳佳 Heart-Lotus Palliative Care Nursing, Warm Support to Doctors  網頁瀏覽


續航力 談護理職涯的動力與堅持的毅力 文/柯渝菱、蔡呈祥 Nursing Profession Sustainability A Discussion About the Professional Drive & Perseverance of Tzu Chi Nurses

護理,成就了歲月靜好 文/吳孟珊 Being in Nursing Profession Makes My Life Meaningful

重情義的幸福感 文/張雅清 Staying in Tzu Chi for Feeling Blissful

堅持學習 盡力而為 文/林聖誌 Persist on Learning & Do My Best in Nursing


輕安居安寧護理推手 卓彩琳 臺中慈院安寧居家護理師 文/曾秀英 Promoting Palliative Care in Tzu Chi Nursing Home – Tsai-Lin Cho, RN, Palliative Care Home-Visiting Nurse, Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital  網頁瀏覽


護理是不平凡的旅程 文/李東錳 Nursing Is an Extraordinary Journey to a Man Like Me  網頁瀏覽


比自己想像的還要強大 文/陳家瑛 I’m Stronger Than I Imagined  網頁瀏覽

真情對待,護理團隊大家庭 文/吳美華 Be Sincere To Make a Harmonious Family  網頁瀏覽


腎病衛教室的查某孫 文/李慧瑩 A Nurse Felt Like a Grand Daughter to a Dialysis Elderly  網頁瀏覽

貼心的心肝寶貝 文/游馥鎂 That Lovely Short-lived New Born Baby  網頁瀏覽


感受被需要的幸福 文/王思芸 Feeling the Happiness to Be Needed  網頁瀏覽

撥雲見日後的彩虹 文/林宛讌 No Rain No Rainbow  網頁瀏覽

珍貴難忘的護理經歷 文/李佳茹 The Clinical Clips in My Nursing Career  網頁瀏覽


膚慰人間的陪伴 文/余芝儀 The Precious Companionship of Tzu Chi Parents  網頁瀏覽


改善恢復室病人嘔吐發生率 文/邱琪偵、沈育如、方雅晶、廖婉君、劉于甄、劉巧宥、陳明山、謝豐吉、唐秀燕 Improving the Vomiting Rate of Patients in the Surgical Recovery Room

運用多重因子介入策略降低住院病人傷害性跌倒發生率 文/邱燕甘、戴雪玲、楊佩欣 Implementation of Multi-Factor Interventions in Reducing the Incidence of Falls in Hospitalized Patients

提昇眼科手術病人出院護理指導完整率之改善專案 文/鄭佩如、李安琪、王淑敏、韓慧美 Improvement of Discharge Nursing Practice in Ophthalmology Surgery Patients

一位服用安眠藥自殺老年人之照護經驗 文/徐明瑞 A Nursing Experience of Hypnotic Drugs Overdose in the Elderly

一位外籍病人突發腳中風之照護經驗 文/于豎惠、鄭婉如、馬瑞菊 The Nursing Experience of a Foreign Patient with Leg Stroke

協助周腦室白質軟化症早產兒返家護理經驗 文/謝佳雲、林小絹 The Experience of Assisting in Caring for a Premature Infant with Periventricular Leukomalacia After Returning Home
