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愛鋪全球,接軌國際 Spread Love Around the Globe and Build Worldwide Connection


培育切合時代脈動的健康照護人才 文/陳宗鷹 Tzu Chi University Cultivates Health Care Talents That Meet the Needs of the Times


迎接挑戰,把握機遇:護理學院的轉型之路 文/彭台珠 Facing Challenges and Seizing Opportunities: the Transformation Path of the Nursing Department of Tzu Chi University

【白袍 vs. 白衣】

偏鄉的生命守護者:家庭專科護理師的影響力 文/李俊達 Guardians of Life in Rural Areas: the Influence of Family Nurse Practitioners

中醫的護理夥伴 看見安心的力量 文/龔彥綸 Nurses as Partners to Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctors Show the Power of Peace of Mind


社區民眾健康守護者 談家庭專科護理師的培育訓練需求 文/林玉娟 Community Health Caregiver

前瞻臺灣專科護理師制度發展 文/蔡淑鳳 Foresight into the Development of Taiwan’s Nurse Practitioner Credentialing

家庭科專科護理師人才培育與展望 文/彭台珠 Talent Cultivation and Prospects for FNP in Taiwan

師資班特訓 共學共成長 文/吳婉如 Special Training for FNP Faculty

深根東部 前進偏鄉 文/羅元均 Community Long-Term Care Rooting Deeply in the Rural Areas in Eastern Taiwan


走在救護線上的護理鳳凰志工 鄒明耘 花蓮慈院傷口造口及失禁護理師 文/林芷儀 Act as a Nursing Phoenix on the Rescue Line–Ming Yu Chou, Wound Ostomy and Continence Nurse, RN, Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital


沒有安排的安排-參與家庭專科護理師師資培訓 文/張美娟 An Arrangement Came Out of No Arrangement Participation in FNP Teacher Training

重回來時路 再次成為學生的轉折 文/謝美玲 The Road Back to Be a Tutor & a Student of FNP


感恩阿公讓我看見幸福 文/李芳綺 Thanks the Grandpa Patient for Letting Me See My Happiness


慈懿長情愛無私 文/謝美玲、黃君后、張美娟暨全體導生 Selfless Love for the Whole Class by Tzu Chi Volunteer Parents

解惑關懷送溫暖的慈懿爸媽 文/杜宛璇 Tzu Chi Volunteer Parents Solve My Doubts & Bring Me Warmth


為在宅醫療做準備 文/吳麗月 Prepare for Home Healthcare


0403震後無懼 加冠傳承護理真諦 Fearless After the April 3rd Earthquake, 2024 Nursing Students Capping Ceremonies for Tzu Chi University & the Last Tzu Chi University of Science and Technology


大學護理學生核心能力與學業成就之相關研究 文/魏琦芳、謝秀芳、蘇貞瑛、王晴 A Correlational Study of Core Competencies and Academic Achievement Among Baccalaureate Nursing Students

提升某內科病房護理人員N3 臨床專業能力進階比率 文/邢伶娟、洪萱容、張瓊妮、陳亞玲、洪意華、蔡素娟 Project to Increase the Percentage of Nursing Staffs Passing Clinical Ladder-3 Certification in the Medicine Ward

提升精神科急性病房護理團隊急救作業正確率 文/林美蓮、黃展浩、陳澤儀、黃鴻鈞 Improving the Accuracy Rate of First Aid Operations of the Nursing Team in the Acute Ward of the Psychiatric Department

自敷藥膏感染海洋弧菌後雙腳截肢個案之加護經驗 文/林金緣、吳欣玫 An Intensive Care Nursing Experience of a Vibrio Vulnificus Infection Patient due to Above Knee Amputation Because Self-Use Ointment Dressing

一位吸入性嗆傷併顏面燒傷患者之護理經驗 文/張庭瑋、何淑芬 A Nursing Experience of Inhalation Injury with Facial Burns Patient
