



有愛不孤單 With Love, We Are Not Alone ■文 / Dharma Master Cheng Yen


以慧啟愛 Enlighten Love by Wisdom ■文 / 林碧玉 / Pi-Yu Lin


10月千囍 Collecting Love from 2000 Stem Cells ■文 / 石明煌 / Ming-hwang Shyr


願月光朗照 Moonlight Resonance ■文 / 賴惠玲 / Hui-Ling Lai

【白袍 vs. 白衣】

新流感 心有感 Novel Influenza, New Influence in Heart ■文 /何愉懷 / Dr. Yu-Huai Ho


善的蝴蝶效應 ——談美國護理社區自願性服務 The Butterfly Effect of Good Deeds –– Reflections from ANA’s “United We Serve” ■文 /林雅萍 / Ya-Ping Lin


勇敢護生好老師——田培英 慈濟技術學院成人護理組講師 Transformd from a Courageous Student Nurse –– a Profile of Pei-Yin Tien, Lecturer of Nursing Dept., Tzu Chi College of Technology ■文 / 編輯部 / the Editing Tea


職愛-談護理職業生涯 Career Dedication – About Nursing Career Planning ■文 / 彭少貞 / Shoa-Jen Perng

當個快樂護理人—— 護理競爭力 Be a Happy Nurse – Competence in Nursing Field ■文 / 王淑芳 / Shu-Fang Wang

專科護理師之路 —— 未來的趨勢與展望 The Future Role and Function of Nurse Practitioner -- Future Trends Toward Better Care ■文 / 蔡娟秀 / Chuan-Hsiu Tsai

護理人的多元選擇 Multiple Choice of a Nursing Professional ■文 / 吳曼阡 / Mann-Chian Wu

認清現狀 眺望未來 Recognize the Present Situation and Foresee the Future ■文 / 林美玲 / Mei-Ling Lin


跨時空充電 ——技術學院遠距課程心得分享 Profession Knowledge Recharge –– Sharings After TCCT On-job Distance- learning ■編輯 / 王淑芳 / Shu-Fang Wang


畫一張思考地圖 ——將概念圖應用於臨床推理 Draw a Thinking Map – Implementation of Clinical Concept Mapping for Case Studies ■摘錄 / 王琬詳 / Wan-Hsiang Wang


慈濟父母心 Tzu Chi Parenthood ■文 / 黃逸嘉、趙芝寬、蔣采芸、連紫茜、黃慈怡/ Yi-Chia Huang, Chih Kuan Chao, Tsai-Yun Chiang, Tzu-Chien Lien, Tzu-I Huang


玉里白衣情 風雨生信心 Yuli Nurses Pass the Test of a Storm ■文 / 許哲輔、陳世淵 / Che-Fu Hsu, Hse-Yuan Chen

送愛太麻里 Love Delivery to Taimali, Taitung ■文 / 江錦玲 / Jing-Ling Chiang

促健康 希臘行 Brought Health Promotion Achievement to Greece ■文 / 張雅萍 / Ya-Ping Chang


愛在貴妃幫——跟著班導當志工 Follow the Lead of Our Tutor to Be Volunteers ■文 / 陳亭瑋、戴瑞儂、葉佳翰 / Ting-Wei Chen, Rui-Nong Dai, Chia Han Yeh


慈誠懿德會功能的滿意度研究 Study of Satisfaction Levels with the Functions of the Tzu Cheng ■ 文 / 張芙美 / Fwu-Mei Chang

某新生兒加護病房音量改善專案 The Project of Sound Volume Improvement in Newborn Intensive Care Unit ■ 文 /林怡君、李晴玉、楊雅晴、黃秋綿 / Yi-Chun Lin, Ching-Yu Lee, Ya-Ching Yang, Chiu-Miem Huang

一位罹患復發性大腸直腸癌患者術後的護理經驗 The Nursing Experience of a Patient with Recurrent Colon-rectum Cancer ■ 文 / 彭美瑛 / Mei-Ying Peng

運用Watson關懷理論協助一位高齡初孕婦安胎之護理經驗 Adoption of Watson’s Caring Theory in Helping an Elderly Primigravida with Tocolysis ■ 文 / 許麗燕、許靖岱 / Li-Yen Hsu, Ching-Tai Hsu

運用Orem理論協助高血壓患者自我照顧之護理經驗 Applying Orem´s Theory to the Care of a Hypertension Patient Undertaking Self Care ■ 文 / 林秋鈴、鍾若男 / Chun-Ling Lin, Ruo-Nan Jueng

協助一位舌根癌病患及照顧者面對全喉切除手術之護理經驗 Nursing Experience When Assisting a Caregiver and Their Patient Who Had Undergone Total Laryngectomy due to Tongue Base Carcinoma ■ 文 / 王美惠、邱月琴、柯薰貴 /Mei-Hui Wang, Yueh-Chyn Chiou, Hsun-Kuei Ko

協助一位家暴個案的急診照護經驗 The Emergency Nursing Experience with a Patient Suffering from Domestic Violence ■ 文 / 彭貴鈴、林麗娟、莊豔妃 / Kuei-Ling Peng, Li-Chuan Lin, Ian-Fei Chuang



