合心長照社區長者United in Long-Term Care for Community Elderly
學與覺 精進力行菩薩道 文/吳秋鳳Learning and Awakening: Diligently Advancing Along the Bodhisattva Path
安寧照護力 關於安寧緩和療護的應用與認知 文/張凱雁Palliative Care Power
最後旅程 用愛道別 文/黃如婕Embracing the Final Voyage, Saying Goodbye with Love
耳鼻喉病人的身心安寧 文/沈雅琳Holistic Comfort for Otolaryngology Patients
8個月的時間說再見 文/蘇郁心Eight Months of Saying Goodbye
穿梭在門診的堅強後盾 文/陳宜君Volunteers Are the Resilient Support Navigating Outpatient Departments
靈安護理:末期病人治療性照護 演講者/洪成福博士Namaste Care: Therapeutic Care Approach Towards the End of Life
這些年,手術室教會我的事 文/吳至軒The Things the Operating Room Taught Me Over the Years
守護極微光 以愛為初心 文/趙有誠Guarding the Faintest Light, Love as the Guiding Principle
我的好夥伴,安寧團隊 文/陳正裕My Invaluable Partners: the Palliative Care Nursing Team
溫暖心蓮 - 陳依琳 台北慈院心蓮病房護理長 文/陳美慧Warm Lotus of the Heart - Yi-Lin Chen, Head Nurse of the Heart Lotus Palliative Care Ward, Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital
護理再啟航 跟上資訊化 文/江季蓉Embracing Digitalization, Nursing Sets Sail Again
只要不放棄 總會有辦法 文/林思吟Do Not Give Up, There Will Always Be a Way
不要小看病人的潛能 文/侯悅琳、林謦儀Never Underestimate the Patient’s Potential
不用自己背負一切 文/鄧雅云You Don’t Have to Carry Everything Alone
好好說再見 噩夢不再現 文/虞秀紅Say Goodbye Gently, Nightmares Fade Away
回首護理來時路 我很幸福 文/楊婕翎Looking Back on Nursing’s Path, I Feel Blessed
提升單位護理人員執行睡眠呼吸中止症術後口腔照護完整性專案 /林均美、林雅卉、蘇芳儂、洪嫦巧Improved the Integrity of Executing the Oral Care by Nurse For Sleep Apnea Surgery Patient
提升護理人員執行母嬰即刻肌膚接觸照護完整率 /林佳蓉、林玉雯、鄧雅芳、陳雅芳Improving the Completion Rate of Immediate Skin-to-Skin Contact Care by Nursing for Mothers and Infants
血液透析之糖尿病人合併慢性傷口照護經驗 /邱靜怡、黃惠珠Nursing Experience of a Hemodialysis Patient with Diabetes and Chronic Wounds
照顧一位乳癌患者接受手術後傷口感染個案之護理經驗 /潘宋瑜、葉惠玲、歐軒如Nursing Experience of a Post-Surgery Breast Cancer Patient with Wound Infection
一位遭感染愛滋病家人咬傷之門診照護經驗 /潘姵君、謝佳吟The Outpatient Care Experience of a Women Bitten by Her Family Infected with HIV